** Diablo 4 Thread **

Yeah check the wheel gestures menu for extra options like exit dungeon

Currently will start as rogue from the three classes. Will be interesting to try druid but necro usually does nothing for me
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There’s a lot more filler than I expected with Diablo IV, reminded me of Lost Ark minus end game raiding.

There’s plenty of nice things about this game too though. The story is much better than Diablo 3 so far and the music is pretty good.
One thing that was annoying was that in certain dungeons there was no 'return to start of dungeon' thing to click and often the npc you needed to talk to next was back at the start. Would be nice if they could add this in.
Open the map and click on the dungeon entrance icon
There’s a lot more filler than I expected with Diablo IV, reminded me of Lost Ark minus end game raiding.

There’s plenty of nice things about this game too though. The story is much better than Diablo 3 so far and the music is pretty good.
Yeah the music is superb. To be expected from Blizzard I guess, they always have great production attributes
Can anyone recommend a good Spec for the Sorcerer build with Hydra as I'm struggling to find something
So in comparison to D2&3 is this more like an mmo? I always liked to play solo but invite a friend along as and when - is this more like a persistent online world where you play on servers with other people?
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So in comparison to D2&3 is this more like an mmo? I always liked to play solo but invite a friend along as and when - is this more like a persistent online world where you play on servers with other people?

Imagine running around in D2 / D3 and when you're in the zones, like doing bounties or going through the campaign, you occasionally see other people; but, when you do rifts/dungeons, it's purely just you (or your group if you are partied with people). It's got some MMORPG features but you can still do the entire thing solo with the exception of a world boss, but even that doesn't require grouping with anyone. It's basically the same model as Lost Ark.
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So in comparison to D2&3 is this more like an mmo? I always liked to play solo but invite a friend along as and when - is this more like a persistent online world where you play on servers with other people?
I dont really feel like its like an MMO, I do see other people from time to time in towns and on some occassions I see someone else at one of the "public" event locations but other than that, wandering the gameworld and in dungeons etc its just me and my friends. Its not really any different to the previous Diablo games in that respect, its not like in an MMO where you run around a zone and theres hundreds of other players running past you etc.
I dont really feel like its like an MMO, I do see other people from time to time in towns and on some occassions I see someone else at one of the "public" event locations but other than that, wandering the gameworld and in dungeons etc its just me and my friends. Its not really any different to the previous Diablo games in that respect, its not like in an MMO where you run around a zone and theres hundreds of other players running past you etc.
Reassuring to hear!! Thanks
Pretty happy with the game so far from what I've done in the beta (all 3 classes to 25, did the world boss, ran most of the dungeons, etc). The only real complaints I have are:

UI - I really don't like it; it feels like they've catered heavily for the console experience. Issues I have are:

* Mixed fonts that just don't work together that well. Just use the one they are using for quest names for everything. It's easy to rid, fits the atheistic, and looks good.
* No minimap full screen overlay.
* No health/resource bar above or below the player.
* Doesn't seem to be a way to show HP/resource numbers on the globes.
* Item tooltips are hard to read at a glance. Using font colours, different font sizes, and squishing information down to one line would really help.
* UI elements are huge, likely due to catering for console. I wish they had a specific PC UI and a specific console UI (which maybe can active if you use a controller on the PC).
* You can't have force move and interact on the same button.


* They look fantastic, but they are repeated far too often. It's like they've got 5 to 8 tiles at best.
* All dungeons are basically: 1) clear to a locked door, 2) go left and kill/collect something, 3) go right and do the same, 4) door is now unlocked, kill last boss.
* Density is kinda off - sometimes there's loads of monsters, other times it's really baron.
* There's no random events in dungeons like other games had - you'd even see this quite often in Diablo 3.

Skill tree

* It really lacks options. It's basically "pick a skill, then pick up to 2 support passives". Unfortunately most of the support passives aren't good. I'd rather it was more like 8+ with multiple ways to affect a skill, like if it's a ranged ability one could add more projectiles, another could add an AoE splash effect, another could apply a DoT, etc. Right now, it feels quite limited. Maybe Paragon will open this up more.
* Some of the "Ultimate" skills are absolute trash and much worse than a general ability.

Overall though, I'm enjoying it. It's got a very solid foundation and they could easily build on this and make a great game. Other games you see are fundamentally broken at the core. Diablo 4 however, thankfully, isn't like that.
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Can anyone recommend a good Spec for the Sorcerer build with Hydra as I'm struggling to find something
A fully upgraded hydra is all you really need. Most of the other Sorceror skills are very weak ; almost not worth using at all. The exceptions are chain lightning, ice shards and perhaps frozen orb. Some of the basic skills are terrible ; I'd recommend Arc lash ( especially if you go with Chain Lightning ) or Frost Bolt ( if you go the Ice Shards route, or just want to slow/chill the monsters for crowd control ). All the ultimate skills are underwhelming, imo. Basically hydra will be your main damage dealer, and is all you need for dungeon bosses. Chain Lightning is great for packs of monsters, not so good for single bosses, elites or champions.
A fully upgraded hydra is all you really need. Most of the other Sorceror skills are very weak ; almost not worth using at all. The exceptions are chain lightning, ice shards and perhaps frozen orb. Some of the basic skills are terrible ; I'd recommend Arc lash ( especially if you go with Chain Lightning ) or Frost Bolt ( if you go the Ice Shards route, or just want to slow/chill the monsters for crowd control ). All the ultimate skills are underwhelming, imo. Basically hydra will be your main damage dealer, and is all you need for dungeon bosses. Chain Lightning is great for packs of monsters, not so good for single bosses, elites or champions.

I have been using a mainly/full arc build but I didn't find the survivability that good, I've seen a lot of people using the Hydras so wanted to go that route
I have been using a mainly/full arc build but I didn't find the survivability that good, I've seen a lot of people using the Hydras so wanted to go that route
For survivability going with a "cold" based Sorceror is probably best ie. get Ice Armour, Ice Shards, Deep Freeze. Have a look at this video for an example of how to build this type of Sorceror ( but every build always includes Hydra because it's so OP ) ; there are some variations on the theme but the core skills remain the same :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg5IpDvOByY&t=839s
There seems to be one rare mob on a Very random respawn timer that drops higher level gear. The game appears to use total ilvl to work out your drops. So keeping the highest ilvl item even if you're not using it is the way to go. At least from what I can tell.

There seems to be one rare mob on a Very random respawn timer that drops higher level gear. The game appears to use total ilvl to work out your drops. So keeping the highest ilvl item even if you're not using it is the way to go. At least from what I can tell.


Ah :) Didn't expect others not to have found that but I'm a bit surprised it's a thing. There must be a different loot table / rules for this mob.

I've avoided watching most vids so far as class balance will change. Going to need to look into what's around and what info is out for endgame. If it's only dungeon farming, with the kind of layouts we've seen in this beta. That will get old fast. LostArk's endgame is raiding and they have some challenging fight mechanics.
LOL, are people really caring about min/maxing a level capped beta? Why even bother?? :D

Of course they are! :D

And seems they've not quite got the systems tweaked correctly. You can take a high level legendary and then swap the aspect from a low level legendary. And the item level required to use downgrades to the lower level. Will of course get fixed and might already be on a newer build. But amusing what people manage to find.

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