** Diablo 4 Thread **

How many hours did you get out of the previous games? Asssuming it was a lot didn't it get boring?
Not sure of the exact figures but easily over 300 hours in each game. Nah, didnt get boring, I dont solo (hardly solo in any game), I play with friends and my other half in all my games, so its always group fun. Did every character to max level, several different seasons in D3. The key is who you play with, these games are always way more fun when you have a regular group to play with, you all have characters that you only play together so that you all keep around the same level and you set aside particular days to play on. In many ways gaming like that is the modern version of the weekly boardgame/D&D nights with friends of the 70s and 80s.
Played on my SteamDeck for a couple of hours last night and it ran beautifully. It feels like there's been some performance optimisation since the last beta, the SD barely broke a sweat.

Sorceress with chain lightning is still OP though :p
aha, balance to me feels much better as we're only hitting lvl 20 so 1/3rd of levelling. Rogue twisting blade build with poison trap is happily clearing content with no legendries equipped at lvl20

Hopefully they will taper the amount of legendries and aspects as we move up to max level
Levelling isn't the issue, in fact I'd argue it's now too fast going from 1-20. I spent just over 2 hrs yesterday evening hitting lvl 20 on my Rogue. And that was achieved simply by running from town to town on the overworld map - I only did the campaign up to reaching Kyovashad. The fast levelling brings the monster level-scaling back under the microscope. They get consistently stronger, but because player power is determined almost solely by legendray affixes, unless you get good equipment drops your power relative to the monsters actually gets steadily worse. This is very noticeable with this latest beta because the loot drops are pathetic. By lvl 20 I think I had 5 yellow items , and 3 of them were from side quests. No legendary drops whatsoever.

There is definitely something off with dungeons. The elite mobs had significantly more health & damage output versus those on the overworld map ... felt like World tier 3 rather than tier 2.

As usual, there will be a few builds that have an easier time of it, but many simply aren't fun to play right now eg. necromancer. Melee is still at a disadvantage with boss/elite monster design and all the crowd control abilities they spam. In the dungeons I was getting stunlocked for 5 secs or longer at times.

From chatting to a few people playing melee they are having a bit more success with investing heavily in basic skills ie putting 7 points in one ability, as opposed to the 1 - 3 point investment in the open beta.

The only positive thing I can say about the Server Slam test is it ran smoothly for me - no queues or lag.
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The only positive thing I can say about the Server Slam test is it ran smoothly for me - no queues or lag.
That part at least can be a big positive that Blizzard can take from it, given it being called "Server Slam" I'm guessing that was the main goal of the weekend for them, so thats a plus
Going to level a rogue with a friend a little later see how it plays, what's the best stuff to spec into for the basics?

twisting blades is strong, need to get used to how it plays but basically you hit the first mob with twisting blades then dash through the pack. Twisting blades then returns to you clearing a lot of the pack. Poison trap gives knockdown on mobs and some more aoe clear. Rest of the points are up to you

it happily clears with no legendries or aspects required. Maybe one of the stronger starters but not tried the rest in the new patch
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Levelling isn't the issue, in fact I'd argue it's now too fast going from 1-20. I spent just over 2 hrs yesterday evening hitting lvl 20 on my Rogue. And that was achieved simply by running from town to town on the overworld map - I only did the campaign up to reaching Kyovashad. The fast levelling brings the monster level-scaling back under the microscope. They get consistently stronger, but because player power is determined almost solely by legendray affixes, unless you get good equipment drops your power relative to the monsters actually gets steadily worse. This is very noticeable with this latest beta because the loot drops are pathetic. By lvl 20 I think I had 5 yellow items , and 3 of them were from side quests. No legendary drops whatsoever.

There is definitely something off with dungeons. The elite mobs had significantly more health & damage output versus those on the overworld map ... felt like World tier 3 rather than tier 2.

As usual, there will be a few builds that have an easier time of it, but many simply aren't fun to play right now eg. necromancer. Melee is still at a disadvantage with boss/elite monster design and all the crowd control abilities they spam. In the dungeons I was getting stunlocked for 5 secs or longer at times.

From chatting to a few people playing melee they are having a bit more success with investing heavily in basic skills ie putting 7 points in one ability, as opposed to the 1 - 3 point investment in the open beta.

The only positive thing I can say about the Server Slam test is it ran smoothly for me - no queues or lag.

Yeah kinda agree, levelling felt too fast last night but we're only hitting 20, in the last patch 24-25 took a lot more XP than 19-20. I think this patch is putting some builds under the spotlight that basically only functioned with good aspects. It feels more like D3 now where you use whatever skill you have a good aspect for while levelling then swap over to an end game build when you have the equipment to support it which is fine.
Look forwards to this, not played any of the betas or watched anything as don't want to get bored of it before it's even finished.
Tried to do the catacombs dungeon south of Kuoveshad not far from where you start in the game as a level 8 barb.

Suffice to say after 7 attempts on the dungeon boss the broodguard (spider) I alt-f4'd out of the game. Nigh on impossible as melee with a limited skill set, maybe possible/easier with a few more levels but the frustration is already there and I don't wanna play it now.
Getting around 90-100 fps @1440p, high settings with my 5700XT. Trying to decide if I should upgrade to a 7900XT/X.

FSR (which I've never used before) on Quality gives another 30-40 fps, are there any drawbacks though? I have it disabled for now, are you guys using it?
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Played for about an hour last night. Only had to wait about 30 secs or so to login. No lag issues so far, nor any of the crashes that I did experience in the last open beta.
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Having some wild issues with this server slam that i didn't have with the closed beta/open weekend.

Same system only change was the mandatory gpu driver update (which i think is related to those dead rtx 3080's). 12900k 4080 32gb ram 1440p

Getting a very stable and smooth 350-400fps for the first 15 minutes then after 15 it slowly starts to deteriorate into an absolute stutter fest. I have tried all sorts of different settings and turning things on and off such as dlss/reflex/frame gen ect even tried to run at low preset and still the same issue happens. At first i thought it was a vram leak as i was at 16gb usage however when i do play in low settings im only using 6-7ish gb and the same still happens.


Example video below shows what i am talking about, stutters even when standing still but when i move around it shows the extent of how bad it is

Tried to do the catacombs dungeon south of Kuoveshad not far from where you start in the game as a level 8 barb.

Suffice to say after 7 attempts on the dungeon boss the broodguard (spider) I alt-f4'd out of the game. Nigh on impossible as melee with a limited skill set, maybe possible/easier with a few more levels but the frustration is already there and I don't wanna play it now.
The broodguard is extremely difficult with the barb, definitely one that I will group up to do :)
Is there any additional content to test out in this server slam or is it purely a bigger player number beta to test the servers?

It's just a test of the live servers.. no different content only extra thing you can get is a mount skin by hitting level 20 and killing ashava the world boss at level 20
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