So you agree that everyone in the UK could have watch F1 for free on channel 4?
Sure, if Channel 4 were able to out bid Sky. But they can't.
I'm not saying that once discussions were open Bernie didn't make a B line for Sky as fast as possible ignoring any other bids (I bet he lunged for his pen with pound signs in his eyes), I'm saying that discussions weren't opened by Bernie going to Sky after the BBC refused to pay more (as Kerming suggested), they were opened by the BBC and Sky going to Bernie after the BBC decided they needed to find a cheaper option than their existing contract. Bernie has been quite open that he had no discussions with Sky, or any idea any discussions were going on with them, until the BBC and Sky came to him with a proposal.
The catalyst for this whole situation was the freeze on TV licences and the BBC's need to cut costs.
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