Did she ditch me for good?

Finally, a thread where someone actually had the stones to actually ask the girl out.

May not have worked out in his favour, but at least now he knows.

(That she's a tease, that is.)
Anyway....time to update this thread

I haven't been back to chase this matture babe, admittedly i would have no reason to. Nowadays am chasing babes of eastern european descent. Please refer to the other thread for the latest events
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Haha, I remember once a girl who worked at the till in Subway was being very chatty and for whatever reason decided to support my hand when giving me change... I tried to converse with her some more but uh, there was a queue. Never saw her again after that. ****ing hate queues. :p
Eastern Europeans are in it for the money, why else would they be here ! ha...ha
I will go to Poland for a holiday as there should be hardly any one there !
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