So this is definite? Not to doubt you, Tefal - 25 posts a day over 2 years speaks volumes about your dedication to the online community and all - but charging people for things you didnt notice, didn't have time or didn't bother to fix before release, that's just a bit too much for me to get my head around. On a base level, I'd say that needs to be factored in to the volume of Xbox DLC sales - some morons were obviously willing to pay whatever was necessary to obtain a playable experience on a game they already paid for, but it could also explain further why thay thought they could get away with this kind of crap. If you can charge people an extra 20% (estimated, I don't know the exact figures and I'm too drunk to look them up) for mandatory updates, why not extend that across the gaming community? With the huge inflation of console gamers participating in online gameplay, the average IQ of the community gamer would have dropped into double figures - and not respectable double figures, either. Maybe that's why console gamers are so convinced consoles are the better gaming platform - game pads are so much more dribble-resistant than keyboards, after all.