Disabled couple snooped on and accused of fraud by the DWP

The system seems to be setup to push people off disability benefits, as shown by the amount of times the denial decision is eventually overturned.

The government is rejecting a record high of almost 90% of disability benefit appeals, sparking accusations it is ignoring court rulings in order to take a harder line on claimants.

If an MR (mandatory reconsideration) is unsuccessful, applicants can go to tribunal, where they have an 80% success rate, including cases the DWP concedes before a hearing takes place. But campaigners say many applicants are too stressed or disillusioned by the MR process to take things further.
@n111ck your whole daily fail attitude to people on benefits is quite frankly disgusting and offensive. As others have pointed out, you're also incredibly ill informed. Yet, I guarantee if you're ever unfortunate enough to get a disability, you'll be bloody grateful that you're just not cast into the street to fend for yourself and die. But, you'd get an understanding of what it's actually like for us who do and it's not fun!

I've just had my latest assessment for pip and am now dealing with the crippling anxiety that comes with the fact that there's a high chance it will be stopped or reduced because nothing I said is down on the assessment and I then have to go through the stress of an appeal.

The last time this happened they actually used someone else's information to reduce my entitlement.

I will agree that the system is broken but that is by design.

You think it's 'disgusting and offensive' that I think benefits should only go to those that genuinely need them?
The system seems to be setup to push people off disability benefits, as shown by the amount of times the denial decision is eventually overturned.

yea it's because the people doing the assessments can be basic nurses and they are not qualified for the job.

they outsource it to clown companies as well, who does it now? atos? capita? serco?

all seem to be clown companies set up to milk as much money from the coffers as possible, how many Mps lobby on their behalf I wonder
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Please for the love of all that is holy actually read up on what you've been proven wrong about so many times in this thread already, and I mean something other then the Sun and the Express.

The "Benefits" bill as you put is mainly made up of Pensions (do you want to be working full time at 70+), and "in work" benefits such as housing etc.

Disability benefits are exceptionally hard to get, require a massive amount of documented evidence (which thanks to cuts in the NHS takes ever longer to build up), and almost every one who is turned down by the "bonus for saying no" capita contract employees eventually gets a "yes" when the people who are actually qualified to look at the case and have time to read the medical history and ask informed questions rather than a 30 minute interview get a chance to look at it.
And oddly enough the people that eventually "say yes" tend to be an actual doctor who have some understanding of the conditions they're looking at, a Lawyer or Judge (sometimes ex high court ones) who understands the law, and a third person who is usually someone who is basically "the normal man in the street".

So you keep saying "it should be simple, but i'm not a doctor" just shows you keep demonstrating that you don't have any clue about how it works.

Ive already clarified what I meant re the benefits bill and seemingly some think they are more deserving than others.

Are you seriously suggesting that it should be easy to live off the tax payer?
Ive already clarified what I meant re the benefits bill and seemingly some think they are more deserving than others.

Are you seriously suggesting that it should be easy to live off the tax payer?
No I'm suggesting that you've got no clue what you're talking about, and that you don't seem at all interested in understanding what is involved with say a PIP claim, or how many people who desperately need the assistance are forced to give up on it because the process is specifically set up to do that.

I don't think it should be "easy" to live off benefits, but I also know that it's a false premise to say it's "too easy" or "should be made harder" when it's already a process that requires a lot of evidence, takes months, and is set up to try and deny as many legitimate claims as possible.
Are you seriously suggesting that it should be easy to live off the tax payer?
Someone with medical evidence and the opinions of processionals should find it hard to get disability benefits? because a lowly nurse says so? (nothing against nurses, but unless your a specialist nurse consultant or something... your basically not qualified)

In any other setting these people are not qualified..

how can someone whos not got the qualifications to diagnose someone's disability, then able to prevent that persons benefit claim?
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No I'm suggesting that you've got no clue what you're talking about, and that you don't seem at all interested in understanding what is involved with say a PIP claim, or how many people who desperately need the assistance are forced to give up on it because the process is specifically set up to do that.

I don't think it should be "easy" to live off benefits, but I also know that it's a false premise to say it's "too easy" or "should be made harder" when it's already a process that requires a lot of evidence, takes months, and is set up to try and deny as many legitimate claims as possible.

...and yet 1 in 10 people still get some form of disability benefit..
Someone with medical evidence and the opinions of processionals should find it hard to get disability benefits? because a lowly nurse says so?

In any other setting these people are not qualified..

how can someone whos not got the qualifications to diagnose someone's disability, then able to prevent that persons benefit claim?

'lowly nurse' jesus...
Someone with medical evidence and the opinions of processionals should find it hard to get disability benefits? because a lowly nurse says so?

It's pointless arguing with him because he won't clarify his position on how disabled someone has to be or how easy it is to test everyone and know whether they can work or not.

You’ll be met with straw man arguments or I’m not a doctor.
'lowly nurse' jesus...
if you're a plain "nurse" you have no business deciding how someones mental disability or whatever effects them.

You are not qualified to give a medical opinion, you do not understand how the disability effects people in the first place.?
you should not be deciding peoples disability claims, it's a massive waste of money... everyone is going to a tribunal, its 3 professionals + the DWP representative, why not just do the assessment properly in the first place???????????? surely it must be cheaper.....

yes I am aware some "nurses" are highly qualified and have chosen to specialise in specific medical areas.

like a nurse consultant who specialises in autism or whatever. but they aren't the kind of nurses they use because they are obviously very expensive.

whats a lower than nurse? a porter? receptionist? face it its a lowly profession , noble and respected sure but at the end of the day it is, what it is.
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The sense of entitlement in this thread is shocking - but then I guess that is what has led to this situation in the first place.

BTW legally if you have a disability that effects your ability to work then YOU ARE ENTITLED TO CLAIM DISABILITY BENEFITS

it's literally an entitlement
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Nope, it's just an effort to win the votes of people like you. It does not mean it has any basis in fact.

Hahaha they'll have to try a lot harder than that - but if you really think that benefits is a legitimate lifestyle choice then see my previous post.

Case rested.

I'm sure some of you think your virtue signalling is helping but its really not - a fair system will only exist when its not being abused.

BTW legally if you have a disability that effects your ability to work then YOU ARE ENTITLED TO CLAIM DISABILITY BENEFITS

it's literally an entitlement

As I have said over and over and over I don't have a problem with people that genuinely cant work being supported - that is literally what NI is for.

But you keep ignoring that so you can keep on with your little entitled rants lol.
I'm sure some of you think your virtue signalling is helping but its really not - a fair system will only exist when its not being abused.
This publication provides estimates of the levels of fraud and error in the benefit system in Great Britain, for the financial year ending 2023.

The main stories from the publication are:

  • 3.6% (£8.3 billion) of total benefit expenditure was overpaid due to fraud and error
  • 1.4% (£3.3 billion) of total benefit expenditure was underpaid due to fraud and error

Govs own stats, and thats not disability benefit specific, seems like a low level of estimated fraud to me
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As I have said over and over and over I don't have a problem with people that genuinely cant work being supported - that is literally what NI is for.

But you keep ignoring that so you can keep on with your little entitled rants lol.

Yet you can't clarify how disabled they have to be to be genuine in your eyes, or these tests you have that make it so easy and obvious.

You've been disingenuous throughout this thread, trying to hide your true feelings on the matter because you know it all falls apart once you give up the game.
This publication provides estimates of the levels of fraud and error in the benefit system in Great Britain, for the financial year ending 2023.

The main stories from the publication are:

  • 3.6% (£8.3 billion) of total benefit expenditure was overpaid due to fraud and error
  • 1.4% (£3.3 billion) of total benefit expenditure was underpaid due to fraud and error

Govs own stats, and thats not disability benefit specific, seems like a low level of estimated fraud to me

So what you are saying is that the current level of checks is sufficient to minimise fraud.

So would reducing the checks or making it easier to claim:

A - reduce fraud
B - increase fraud

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