Thats just an excuse, there have always been poor and disabled people, but they always did what they needed to do to survive, today its a lifestyle choice for many, being paid for by the middle class.
"they did what they needed to survive", yes often at best in poverty, more often they didn't survive.
Has it occurred to you that one of the reasons we have more disabled people now might be because they're actually surviving? (we're certainly living longer on average)
You have a heart attack now and you're far more likely to survive than just 50 years ago, but often be limited.
You are much more likely to survive a stroke now than even 25 years ago, but unless you're lucky you're likely to end up with some disability.
You had something like CF 50 years ago and you were likely to be dead by the time you hit 20 or 30, born just 10-15 years later* and you are much more likely to be alive in your 50's but potentially needing more help from the state.
Even something as "mundane" as a bad fall or car accident you're likely to survive injuries today that 50 years ago would have killed you, thanks to a combination of better training and equipment for the paramedics, better equipment and training for the fire service (to pull you out of the wreck), better training and equipment at the hospital, and if it's really bad the availability of the air ambulances to get you very quickly to dedicated specialist centres for things like spinal and brain injuries.
Then there are the countless other illnesses and injuries that just a few decades ago, let alone 100 years ago would have likely led to death in a relatively short time, but now we are likely to survive, although not necessarily in a condition to do any 9-5 job, and often with limitations on mobility etc.
*I have a friend the same age as me, IIRC he wasn't expecting to hit 25 when he was in his teens, fortunately medication/treatment for CF advanced faster than his condition, and he's able to lead a reasonably normal life albeit with a bunch of vital drugs that are expensive.