disciplinary for unauthorised absence

It's OP's word against the AM's though. Technically if his contract states that he must fill out a holiday form, then that's what you must do.

OP, did you not ask the AM or GM for a holiday form? Do they not have to sign the diary to say they've authorised the leave?

Bottom line it does sound petty, and these are probably things you should bring up if you have a hearing.
no every one just asked for holiday and it gets written in the diary. but because I wrote in the diary the am has made it look like I wrote it, not told anyone in the hope that everyone thinks I booked it off and they have forgotten. I wouldn't be bothered to go though all this trouble for a days wage I would have just called in sick.
Are you in the sort of industry where they do a round of layoffs and you might be in that round? Because while it might 'only' be a verbal at the moment, it will form part of your record.
Call your boss out as a liar, if there's no formal leave approval system then it's one word against the other, so you might get a disciplinary hearing, but you won't get a warning.
I doubt It'll be anything too serious, probably just a telling off. In the future though if you can't get a holiday request form get the asst manger to sign and date it.
Well presumably you should humbly inform them that techically every holiday you have had over the past 4 years has been 'unauthorised' as you have never filled in a 'holiday form'. Ask a few colleagues if they bother with the form or not... Maybe suggest at the meeting that management send out a communication to all employees regarding the correct procedure for booking holiday is I doubt if you are the only one who has made this mistake.
Also I been reading up on holidays, the gov site says I should give twice the amount of days I want to take off as notice. My contract says two weeks for any length. Do I follow the gov site or is the contract fair?

I think you'll have to follow your company's contract I'm afraid. At my last place (private sector) and current place (public sector), both places required a week's notice for 1 day's holiday and a month's notice for 1 week's holiday. 2 months notice if taking 2 weeks off. Anything over 2 weeks is down to manager's discretion.

Good luck though, and hopefully it'll just be a verbal. The fact that it was in the log book and yet no one knew sounds like a communications problem to me. Normally I check verbally with my team if it's a-ok, then I'll book it on the rostering system. Then I put it in our shared Outlook calendar so that there is no way anyone can miss it!
What a load of rubbish.

OP may not of followed proceedure but neither did the ASM. He should have provided you with a holiday form and that's the end of it.

Basically he's forgot all about it and now its been spun back on you.
I assume you've had other instances of authorised leave in your four years there. Where are the completed holiday requests for those?

If you've followed the usual procedure then they can't possibly justify disciplining you, unless there has been a recent change in procedure or something?
What a load of rubbish.

OP may not of followed proceedure but neither did the ASM. He should have provided you with a holiday form and that's the end of it.

Basically he's forgot all about it and now its been spun back on you.

That's middle management for you in the average workplace though tbh.
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