‘Discovering my true sexual self’: why I embraced polyamory (RSS style post)

If society deemed it normal and acceptable then yes everyone would, the same way it's normal to tie yourself to one person now.

IMO its more complicated than that but I dunno how to post my perspective on it without a long and in some ways kind of pathetic sounding post LOL.
IMO its more complicated than that but I dunno how to post my perspective on it without a long and in some ways kind of pathetic sounding post LOL.
Pathetic sounding, sounds better than most of the drivel I write.
Pathetic sounding, sounds better than most of the drivel I write.

Simplified for instance two people I know, both of them attractive and I care about, etc. but one I'd have zero interest in an exclusive relationship with (even though I'd have no problem being in a relationship with) the other is the complete opposite - I'd happily be in an exclusive relationship with and I doubt that would change regardless of what society had made normal/acceptable, etc.
Natural state of humans would be similar to a hareem or social extended large family group.

Think gorillas.

Relegious indoctrination and dominance over women for 2000 years gave us couples.

Women don't really need men at all other than a squirt of the good stuff. It's in their interest to allure as many willing providers to their bed in a modern world to pay all the bills.

We have to be careful when comparing ourselves to other primates. They're reasonably intelligent, but no where near as much as us, and intelligence effects expectations from relationships massively.

There are cases from history and anthropology where men have multiple wives, but it rarely ends well for them without treating the women as beneath them. Most people aren't willing to treat their partners as so inferior to them for this to work, and so stick to monogamy. We're deeply hierarchical beings, equality between partners and polygamy don't mix.
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If society deemed it normal and acceptable then yes everyone would, the same way it's normal to tie yourself to one person now.

Yeah, I think this is exactly right. We accept people doing and/or justify doing far crazier things.
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