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Discussion On The ATI Radeon 5*** Series Before They Have Been Released Thread

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24 Sep 2008
I'm reading the AnandTech one, seems pretty close in games to me. Considering it's very early doors on the Driver front as for the 295, it has been out for awhile with mature drivers...

Also the 5870 being a single gpu card when we see the X2 ...crossfired :p It will be a nice day to see what reviews they have then. :p
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
I'm reading the AnandTech one, seems pretty close in games to me. Considering it's very early doors on the Driver front as for the 295, it has been out for awhile with mature drivers...

Also the 5870 being a single gpu card when we see the X2 ...crossfired :p It will be a nice day to see what reviews they have then. :p

The X2 is going to be a beast!
12 Sep 2007
If the code is written in 10.1 or 11 then in theory it should show even more significant games. The older games aren't optimised to use the full capabilities of the 5870. When dirt2 hits we'll have a clearer picture as to what this card can do.
8 Jul 2003
In a house
Was Loadsamoney right in his prophecy in the end?

Nope i wasn't, i was on pricing though, as i heard £260, but with being in short supply, i heard no chance that low, so if anyone else heard about £260 for on here, then they were going to be dissapointed.

Still £300's a cracking price imo, better than all those 8800's that were £500+ a pop, which i can see everyone has conveniently forgot about, as they whinging about these prices, saying to high etc..., typical :p, just wait till the GT300's come out, they'll be changing their faces again, as its one rule for Nvidia.... :D
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16 Nov 2006
It doesn't destroy everything in it's path, which some were expecting. But is it the fastest single card ever? Yes. Would you buy it if you building from scratch? Yes.

Everyone who has less than a 275/285 will probably upgrade. Personally I'll wait for the X2.
20 Sep 2009
Considering getting a HD 5870 but a little confused about PCI-E 2.1 rather than 2.0? Any thoughts? I got the asus crosshair formula iii if that helps?

Cheers in advance for any hints n tips

30 Apr 2009
Toms tested it on a Rampage II which is PCI-E 2.0 - so don't panic.

I think 2.1 is just in preperation for PCI-3.0 which is a fair distance from mainstream - 2.1 devices would support the advanced management features of 3.0, but not the link speed, from what I have read...

It should be fine in a PCI-E 2.0 slot though - I'd put it in my P5Q without hesitation if I had the money....
3 Feb 2008
If someone could just clarify, the launch price of the 4870 was £185 inc vat, whilst the GTX260 cost £270 inc vat (Before the 4870 came along and kicked it's price into touch of course).. The hills were alive with the sound of enthusiasts singing ATI's praises, and how they're gods amoungst men for releasing the 4870 at that price, and why were Nvidia so high, and that's how much graphics cards should cost, and and and..

So they go and release the 5870 at £300 and everyone is happy about this? Has everyone already forgotten what the tune was a single generation ago? :confused: Is there something i'm missing here? I don't come in here very often, but sufficed to say whenever I do i'm left somewhat confused and amused.
11 Sep 2007
from the internet
If someone could just clarify, the launch price of the 4870 was £185 inc vat, whilst the GTX260 cost £270 inc vat (Before the 4870 came along and kicked it's price into touch of course).. The hills were alive with the sound of enthusiasts singing ATI's praises, and how they're gods amoungst men for releasing the 4870 at that price, and why were Nvidia so high, and that's how much graphics cards should cost, and and and..

So they go and release the 5870 at £300 and everyone is happy about this? Has everyone already forgotten what the tune was a single generation ago? :confused: Is there something i'm missing here? I don't come in here very often, but sufficed to say whenever I do i'm left somewhat confused and amused.

Also the GTX280 was over £400. But yeah I think the 5800 series is a bit on the steep side, fastest single chip card or not.
9 Mar 2008
If someone could just clarify, the launch price of the 4870 was £185 inc vat, whilst the GTX260 cost £270 inc vat (Before the 4870 came along and kicked it's price into touch of course).. The hills were alive with the sound of enthusiasts singing ATI's praises, and how they're gods amoungst men for releasing the 4870 at that price, and why were Nvidia so high, and that's how much graphics cards should cost, and and and..

So they go and release the 5870 at £300 and everyone is happy about this? Has everyone already forgotten what the tune was a single generation ago? :confused: Is there something i'm missing here? I don't come in here very often, but sufficed to say whenever I do i'm left somewhat confused and amused.

True, but the exchange rate for one thing isnt the what it was back then, nor is the market.

Still, £199 and £299 for what they are is reasonable imo, atleast on launch day.
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
So they go and release the 5870 at £300 and everyone is happy about this? Has everyone already forgotten what the tune was a single generation ago? :confused: Is there something i'm missing here? I don't come in here very often, but sufficed to say whenever I do i'm left somewhat confused and amused.

For price/performance...hell yeah :D
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
Also the GTX280 was over £400. But yeah I think the 5800 series is a bit on the steep side, fastest single chip card or not.

Of course the exchange rate doesn't help. Less than a year ago you got $2 to the pound. If it was that now the 5870 would be £229 inc VAT and the 5850 would be £171.92 inc VAT.:eek:

People forget that when comparing prices. Really you should look at the dollar price of the 5xxx series and the GTX2xx series at launch to compare properly.

The GTX280 launched at $650 compared to the $399 of the 5870. That is a bargain in comparison.

Personally I think they are priced spot on and if our government hadn;t messed things up they would have only being £229 and nobody would be complaining.

This will force Nvidia to either release a monster or at least price the cards reasonably. Competition is healthy.

I would also expect the GTX285 (and hence lower models in the range) to drop in price once the 5850 hits in numbers which is also good news for everybody.
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