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Discussion On The ATI Radeon 5*** Series Before They Have Been Released Thread

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26 Jan 2004
*i have a good mind to go out the house and drive like a madman and intercept the driver bringing me my 2x5870s*

I must resist the crazy talk must must mmmmmuussssttt :p
24 Jul 2004
Devon, UK
Of course the exchange rate doesn't help. Less than a year ago you got $2 to the pound. If it was that now the 5870 would be £229 inc VAT and the 5850 would be £171.92 inc VAT.:eek:

People forget that when comparing prices. Really you should look at the dollar price of the 5xxx series and the GTX2xx series at launch to compare properly.

The GTX280 launched at $650 compared to the $399 of the 5870. That is a bargain in comparison.

Personally I think they are priced spot on and if our government hadn;t messed things up they would have only being £229 and nobody would be complaining.

This will force Nvidia to either release a monster or at least price the cards reasonably. Competition is healthy.

I would also expect the GTX285 (and hence lower models in the range) to drop in price once the 5850 hits in numbers which is also good news for everybody.

Good post. I forgot totally about the exchange rate and very weak pound.

I'm still going to hold out for a 5870 under £250 though - I really can't justify £300. :)
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
True, but the exchange rate for one thing isnt the what it was back then, nor is the market.

Still, £199 and £299 for what they are is reasonable imo, atleast on launch day.

Some people might not like it - but these are exactly the prices that make the best business sense in the current climate... low enough to boost their market share but high enough to minimise risk.
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