Disgusting display of Racism

come on now, lets not call this thread anything but what it actually is..

Oh, neil_g has used 2 dots at the end of his sentence and has cast judgement on what the thread actually is.................. maybe give us a hint neil instead of using dots
I think it sums up how messed up this society is when something as blatantly racist as this is being defended or touted as a good thing. This is an example of an individual & companies being prejudiced based on people's skin colour, how is it anything but racism.

For some reason we have a society whereby racism is ok as long as you are a minority race because then we can turn around and call it 'positive discrimination'.

It's utterly disgraceful.
I think it sums up how messed up this society is when something as blatantly racist as this is being defended or touted as a good thing. This is an example of an individual & companies being prejudiced based on people's skin colour, how is it anything but racism.

Its quite baffling isn't it. Someone on the first page likened what Stomzy was doing to going to a shop with a black owner and therefore is he racist? No, but if he only every used black businesses and avoided white ones then yes, he very much would be.

As others have said, if Stormzy wants to send underprivileged kids to Uni thats great, good on him. If he wants to only do it based on the colour of your skin then thats wrong. I have no idea how people have got to the point where this is acceptable. I'm all for equal opportunity for everyone but this isn't that. The kids with the world outcomes in this country are poor and white.
Its quite baffling isn't it. Someone on the first page likened what Stomzy was doing to going to a shop with a black owner and therefore is he racist? No, but if he only every used black businesses and avoided white ones then yes, he very much would be.

That was quite a strange post, wasn't it?
How does a white person post?

It's how he has replied to posts that have made me think he's full of bull - perhaps I'm wrong.

What a colossally odd thing to say. Can you explain what you mean here?

I think the guy is a complete troll and it looks like he has let down his guard in this thread with some of his replies.
The replies don't look like they are coming from a black/asian guy, that's my view.
He's replying how some of the 'usual' posters would post in a thread like this.

You clearly seem to have some stereotypes about black and Asian people, probably due to internalised racism. I would recommend that you go on a diversity training course to help you fix this.

You need to follow his other posts/threads, I don't believe a single word he posts.

I absolutely know 100% my words didn't come over properly in the original statement, that's my bad and I apologise and can understand with how it must have looked.
I'm the first one to pick people up on that type of stuff and in this thread my first reply was that there is nothing wrong with what Stormzy is doing.
Once again apologies but ballistix isn't the real deal.
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I understand your point, in that institutions may decide to award scholarships based on a student's value, but I think it's easy to see that this is not exclusively the case (almost all the scholarships I've seen are for people from unfortunate economic backgrounds) and it's certainly not the the case in this instance. The reason I say this is because it isn't the school doing it, and race is not a morally or legally valid way to determine how much a person is "worth".
If the focus is the scholarship itself then by their very nature they are usually 'exclusionary'. Look at American football sporting scholarships in the US, infamous and hysterical about the intellect of the majority of players that get allowed in.

There is analogy here between patriotism vs. nationalism. You can be patriotic without being nationalistic. Race is just unfortunately so decisive and as someone else posted above, it didn't have to be 'rub your face in it'.

All this is doing is helping some poor black boys and girls. It isn't disenfranchising white people, Asian people nor any other persuasion. It is just helping the community closest to his heart.

Much like postcode lottery can get you a massive advantage too.
It's how he has replied to posts that have made me think he's full of bull - perhaps I'm wrong.

I think the guy is a complete troll and it looks like he has let down his guard in this thread with some of his replies.
The replies don't look like they are coming from a black/asian guy, that's my view.
He's replying how some of the 'usual' posters would post in a thread like this.

Ohhhhhh. Yeah, I totally agree with you there :D
Well that particular poster thinks we should be drowning people in the English Channel. So clearly he has personality issues to say the least.

No but funds dedicated to bame people, like this and other dedicated funds that university's choose to use and that are available from our government only fir bame race people is part of the incentive that drives migrants here.
It’s a discriminatory scholarship. It’s had an effect though, says more and more black people have applied to Cambridge than ever before.

Well maybe if scholarships were set out to help people who are poor (agnostic of their skin colour) then we would get more poor people at Cambridge. Increasing social mobility. That’s a noble thing. I don’t really see why this person needed to discriminate on race. Seems totally backwards. Also to the people who say “omg can’t believe you’re quoting MLK!?!?” Did you actually read and understand the quote? Because if you did you’d realise that this is diametrically opposed to this scholarship scheme. But I suppose you think white people can’t quote MLK? Seems pretty opposed to what MLK wanted.

Seems to me there are these people who are so puritanical that they just lap up everything they’re told. They see “those poor black peoples who need our help”, being completely unaware that thinking like that is racist. And anyone who disagrees with them they call racist. Utterly baffling mindset.
Depends on the intention though, is he doing this in the name of fairness, disproportionality of black students at Cambridge or is he purely doing it because he hates white people. He might be doing it out if the goodness of his heart to help black teenagers get better jobs.
Regardless of the intention it is racist as it excludes people based on colour.

The programme is open to UK students of black or mixed race heritage with a confirmed place at the university.
It’s a discriminatory scholarship. It’s had an effect though, says more and more black people have applied to Cambridge than ever before.

Well maybe if scholarships were set out to help people who are poor (agnostic of their skin colour) then we would get more poor people at Cambridge. Increasing social mobility. That’s a noble thing. I don’t really see why this person needed to discriminate on race. Seems totally backwards. Also to the people who say “omg can’t believe you’re quoting MLK!?!?” Did you actually read and understand the quote? Because if you did you’d realise that this is diametrically opposed to this scholarship scheme. But I suppose you think white people can’t quote MLK? Seems pretty opposed to what MLK wanted.

Seems to me there are these people who are so puritanical that they just lap up everything they’re told. They see “those poor black peoples who need our help”, being completely unaware that thinking like that is racist. And anyone who disagrees with them they call racist. Utterly baffling mindset.
I can be Pro England without being anti Wales
I know right, seeing people trying to defend and deflect from racially prejudicial policies. They must be appalled.
It's almost like these people know it is wrong but don't want admit it.

It's how he has replied to posts that have made me think he's full of bull - perhaps I'm wrong.

I think the guy is a complete troll and it looks like he has let down his guard in this thread with some of his replies.
The replies don't look like they are coming from a black/asian guy, that's my view.
He's replying how some of the 'usual' posters would post in a thread like this.

You need to follow his other posts/threads, I don't believe a single word he posts.

I absolutely know 100% my words didn't come over properly in the original statement, that's my bad and I apologise and can understand with how it must have looked.
I'm the first one to pick people up on that type of stuff and in this thread my first reply was that there is nothing wrong with what Stormzy is doing.
Once again apologies but ballistix isn't the real deal.

You misunderstand, I don't give a **** about Ballistix. If you think he is a lying troll, by all means call him out.

My issue is the idea that black/asian guy should be posting a certain way.
There is a massive race bait industry going on. Papers like the Grauniad are at it full stop every day so it is a subject not to be taken seriously IMO.
It's like he's posting like he's having a go at his own race, I work with many blacks/Muslims and none of them talk this way, When I'm around (assuming you are white)
Perhaps my work colleagues at the NHS are wrong.
Fair point, I can kind of see why you made that comment.
There is a lot of nuance that we would need to go into to fully explore this though as well as pulling up examples.

Also FTFY;)
It's like he's posting like he's having a go at his own race

Yes it's entirely unbelievable that a non white person may talk in a way that appears to be critical of their own 'race'...

If I’m walking down a street in Center City Philadelphia at two in the morning and I hear some footsteps behind me and I turn around and there are a couple of young white dudes behind me, I am probably not going to get very uptight. I’m probably not going to have the same reaction if I turn around and there is the proverbial Black urban youth behind me. Now if I am going to have this reaction—and I’m a Black male who has studied marshal arts for twenty some odd years and can defend myself—I can’t help but think that the average white judge in the situation will have a reaction that is ten times more intense. Judge Theodore A. McKee, U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals.(Kennedy 1998:16)

There is nothing more painful for me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start to think about robbery and then look around and see it’s somebody white and feel relieved. The Reverend Jesse Jackson. (Kennedy 1998, 16)

In other news if you want to find a mass swathe of white people willing to disparage people with their skin colour just go to you nearest University humanities department.
Fair point, I can kind of see why you made that comment.
There is a lot of nuance that we would need to go into to fully explore this though as well as pulling up examples.

Also FTFY;)

Thanks, I also apologise for how it originally sounded.
I used to run the Equality & Diversity classes at a hospital so I should have known better to sound like I was stereotyping.
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