sorry, as a global artist he's C list at best50 cent isn't minor, his sales are always high.
sorry, as a global artist he's C list at best50 cent isn't minor, his sales are always high.
Even if the price was much lower, I bet my bottom dollar you wouldn't pay for it. Therefore this doesn't seem to be a strong argument.Imo, as said b4, the whole way of distributing of media is not of this time and primitive, a lot of un-neccesary persons and methods are involved, the price can be much lowered by avoiding records company's altogether and so the artists make their own type of release system on the net.
I know, what does that have to do with a guy being annoyed he bought a HDCP TV only to find it wasn't HD?HDCP is DRM
sorry, as a global artist he's C list at best
I know, what does that have to do with a guy being annoyed he bought a HDCP TV only to find it wasn't HD?
I think i remember seeing a movie company thanking piracy as they got a lot more ppl interested in there film if it wasnt for them the movie wouldnt have been as popular.
Do you?do you have any statistics to back this up?
This argument came up for Radiohead when they released In Rainbows over the net. They were only in a position to do so because of the money that had went into promoting them by record companies originally and no doubt having a professional level personal recording studio helps as well.Imo, as said b4, the whole way of distributing of media is not of this time and primitive, a lot of un-neccesary persons and methods are involved, the price can be much lowered by avoiding records company's altogether and so the artists make their own type of release system on the net.
no he bought a hd tv but not hdCP i think is what he said.
all HDCP equipment is HD not all HD equipment is HDCP, as you have to pay a license to get a HDCP certificate.
Do you have statisitics to back up what you were saying about the majority of people thinking piracy is okay? That vote of 500 people doesn't count for reasons already mentioned.
I'd not seen the story about a single man ( presumably out of the millions that have bought HD TVs) in the world that you say was annoyed his TV was not HDCP compatible.Yes thats what I meant, sorry for the confusion.
This argument came up for Radiohead when they released In Rainbows over the net. They were only in a position to do so because of the money that had went into promoting them by record companies originally and no doubt having a professional level personal recording studio helps as well.
Would Lily Allen and the like have made millions if they hadn't been signed by a record company and instead just posted their stuff on Myspace?
Would Lily Allen have got a contract without myspace exposure? not in my opinion, yet another reason to hate myspace!This argument came up for Radiohead when they released In Rainbows over the net. They were only in a position to do so because of the money that had went into promoting them by record companies originally and no doubt having a professional level personal recording studio helps as well.
Would Lily Allen and the like have made millions if they hadn't been signed by a record company and instead just continued posting their stuff on Myspace?
wow, this could go round in circles. Happy days.
You made an assert questioning the perceived view, just wondering why.
I still think a poll in this thread would be cool. PLEASE DO IT MODS![]()
I didn't make the accusation, the OP posted 50cent as a major artist and then another poster said his music sells well and he's not a minor artist. The only stats quoted by anyone seem to disagree.I'm not the one making the accusationburden of truth ***.
Sad that blink 182 aren't on that list though, and a lot of other band i would have thought of as major![]()
I'd not seen the story about a single man ( presumably out of the millions that have bought HD TVs) in the world that you say was annoyed his TV was not HDCP compatible.
I didn't think there was any mainstream HDCP protected media around at the moment.
Link to original story please?
Teenage criminals: nearly 80% of respondents had illegally pirated at some stage in their life - among the 15 to 18 age group, this rises to over 84%
Can't wait, won't wait: 72% of respondents would pirate if they had to wait for a game to be released in the UK
I didn't make the accusation, the OP posted 50cent as a major artist and then another poster said his music sells well and he's not a minor artist. The only stats quoted by anyone seem to disagree.
Sorry what has that got to do with DRM being a bad thing. He didn't check or inform himself of what he was buying. I could make the same argument for buying a PS3 and discovering it didn't play US region discs, or Xbox games.Its on consumer action group if you care to look it up, but the basic point is:
He paid, I dunno, £1200 for a state of the art telly, and subsquently discovered what HDCP was, and felt a bit short changed and was wondering if he could claim against the store for mis-selling the TV.
The conclusion was that it wasn't mis-sold as he only requested High-def, being an average joe, didnt know what HDCP is.
He felt ripped off, as he expected to get somthing state of the art, and I know HDCP media is rare at the moment, but the point of the story serves as yet another example of how DRM gives the honest people a hard time, whilst the pirates really dont give to hoots about HDCP.
The poor bloke spent all that money, and now percives his lovely new TV as sub-standard, which, technicly speaking, it is.