Disgusting !

Depends who the provider is, but it's the same as normal AM/FM radio.


I don't think i'd be far wrong in the suggestion that most of the stuff that comes up in Winamps lists of radio stations etc. are far from legitimate music sources.
Well it all seems a bit of a mess to me no one wants to break the law but no one wants to be ripped off either

Someone needs to get a grip

I don't think anyone will though
I have recently converted from my pirated software to open source, I don't see how "piracy" is any worse than open source though, as in either case the publisher of the retail software gets no money. For microsoft however I do make an exception, I will have no choice but to upgrade to vista eventually, as greedy microsoft are doing their best to make sure that new games won't work with xp, trying to force people to upgrade instead of innovating and making a great new os is not something I will be supporting with my money, now I could use linux, but then I wouldn't be able to play any games, which would harm the game developers as I would no longer be buying their games. So pirating vista is the lesser evil in this case, plus it gains microsoft more market share so it helps them too.

As for movies and tv series, when drm free high quality (h.264) movies become avalible for download at high speeds at a resonable price, at the same time as the us I will buy them, I'm not waiting for weeks or even months for programs to be broadcast in the uk and then on a subscription only channel. Publishers need to give the customer what they want or die, just like any other business, and stop crying piracy. Some tv series such as bbc's holby city and dead ringers, aren't even avalible to buy anywhere, and the only way to get them is piracy, so no one can argue that downloading those is wrong, you are paying for the tv license anyway.

As for the lost revenue from advertising argument for downloading tv series that aren't yet avalible to buy on dvd, does that mean it is also wrong for me to block all adverts and tracking cookies on websites that are funded by advertising using programs like adblock plus, as that is exactly the same situation?

Is it ok to let someone watch a movie at your house, is it ok to sell your old movies and games? The producer gets no money, just as if they had downloaded it but that doesn't mean it's wrong. There are acceptable limits.
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As for movies and tv series, when drm free high quality (h.264) movies become avalible for download at high speeds at a resonable price

Where? Can you say? I'd much prefer to get movies/tv shows that way then internet streams/torrents. I can't use p2p at uni anyways, so poor quality internet streaming is all I have right now.

All the DMR movies/rentals are US only that I can find. As for TV shows to buy/rent in the Uk, I can't find any.

I used to pirate music, but I love iTunes now, it's just so easy to purchase the music I want so I get all my music from there, apart from whole Cds which I get from online retailers.

Having the same for movies would be great. Xbox live for renting would be great, but that is also blocked on the uni network. :(

Edit - Ah, misread your post. You're right, we should have the same system in the Uk to the US.
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Agreed about the high quality stuff becoming available it will kill off torrents and low quality streams.
I will bet money on that.
I have the subscription channels(although at my parents) and could quite easily wait a few weeks to watch the programs or sky+ them for when im home, but id rather watch them the same time as the americans.
Id happily have adverts in the streams too. dont get why companys dont wise up to this.
Offer easier and faster download speeds than torrents, higher quality(as mkv or whatever since they are less likely to wind up being burned to dvd and what not and resold or whatever, they could offer files already rendered available for small price to be burned straight to dvd??) include adverts(same amount as TV.) and its a guaranteed hit really. Aslong as theres no stupid malware, tedious sign ups, fees, dodgey codecs.
Piracy will force this change soon enough I recon, and its for the good of the viewer really.
Agreed about the high quality stuff becoming available it will kill off torrents and low quality streams.
I will bet money on that.
I have the subscription channels(although at my parents) and could quite easily wait a few weeks to watch the programs or sky+ them for when im home, but id rather watch them the same time as the americans.
Id happily have adverts in the streams too. dont get why companys dont wise up to this.
Offer easier and faster download speeds than torrents, higher quality(as mkv or whatever since they are less likely to wind up being burned to dvd and what not and resold or whatever, they could offer files already rendered available for small price to be burned straight to dvd??) include adverts(same amount as TV.) and its a guaranteed hit really. Aslong as theres no stupid malware, tedious sign ups, fees, dodgey codecs.
Piracy will force this change soon enough I recon, and its for the good of the viewer really.

Yup quite good for producers of old film/tv shows too i could see a resurgence in people watching them, things they'd like to see again but wouldn't want to pay for, would be pretty much free money for some programs as they are already made etc.
ya, bbc has started embracing it atleast, although thers no ad revenue from that.
C4 have online hollyoaks dont they? :D
Thats how it should be!
If it was cheap, didn't have DRM, was in a standard format and was high res, available on 1 big platform such as iplayer or joost then it could happen and probably will eventually when companies relise they can't overcharge for an inferior product.

Until then though it is easier, cheaper and better if you get it illegally so people will do. They can't beat pirates, it is impossible so just make them not want to bother.And I think it will happen and kind of proves that piracy helps the consumer in the end, it is the only weapon we have unless you live a media free life.
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I'm sure the film studios and movie industries would love to provide high quality downloadable versions of their films via the internet but there are other factors to consider.

In the US 60% (I think) of all DVD's sales are via Wal-Mart. Now, Wal-Mart loves this as it's a great source of income for them that they really don't want to lose. So, Wal-Mart says to the movie industry don't put them on the internet as we'll lose loads of sales, if you do we'll stop stocking your DVD's. In other words a bit of a catch 22 situation. :(

As for the music industry, have you considered why it's the RIAA making all the noise and not the artists?

Artists make less than 10% of their revenue from actual album/single sales and the majority of their income comes from touring. If their music is getting circulated to millions of people around the internet it generates interest, new fans, people who may never have heard of them or bought their CD's. If even a fairly modest percentage of these people spread the word about this great new band they heard and go to see them live at concert it generates a massive amount of money for them.

A guy I know is in a band that has recently signed a 5 year 3 album deal with a record company in the states. For the 3 albums they are getting around £300000 which sounds ok? But when you break it down over 5 years between 5 of them means they actually only get £12k a year each for the albums.

Whilst I don't condone copyright infringement on musicians work it's not really your favourite artist you're ripping off it's the record labels themselves.

Meh, long post but hey, someone might find it interesting :p
No i am telling you everything, im just lost for words as before today i honestly didnt know you could download full games from piracy groups, i thought the only way was to go to the ea online store or through steam.
One more thing i have onboard wifi and was wondering could someone use there comp to somehow connect to the net through mine and download stuff, as i leave my comp on for ages days even and im at my girlfriends a lot of the time so i wouldnt notice if my internet was slow.

So what was the verdict in this case? Davenport Lyons is actually a legit company, and can sue?

I've got a mate who's just received the same letter.
i also have had the same letter (£500 fine for me), telling me my ip , my provider, software i use, address and home phone number....... the game in question for me was " Call of Juarez" , yes i did download this from a torrent site but the strange thing is that on the letter it says to contact them by email or fax, no phone number is anywhere on the paperwork i have
i also have had the same letter (£500 fine for me), telling me my ip , my provider, software i use, address and home phone number....... the game in question for me was " Call of Juarez" , yes i did download this from a torrent site but the strange thing is that on the letter it says to contact them by email or fax, no phone number is anywhere on the paperwork i have

Same game as my mate.
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