Disgusting !

Remembering that ignorance is not actually a valid defence.
"Somebody hijacked my wifi connection" is not going to work.
Ignorence on what is and what isn't a crime, not ignorance because you left your network unsecured.
if the op is genuine he has nothing to worry about if he kept his receipt and the date on it is before the illegal downloading claim.

if the date on his purchase is later than he's supposed to of downloaded it he will probably be screwed if it go's to court.

i think he bought the game after the legal threat :P
Heh, I know someone else who got the exact same letter, about exactly the same game. Difference being they've never downloaded a demo or anything of Two Worlds.
I smell BS, tell them to FO tbh.

If it's true though: I'd sue them for harrasement, and sue my isp for not keeping to privacy rules. Send them a demand for ''bandwith costs'' and ''hard disk space costs of the email'' too.
Maybe I missed it, but at what point in the thread did DiceHunter remove the details of his rig from his sig? Presumably when everyone started taking the mick for his having a high-end machine, but no means of displaying the letter he'd received :p ?

After reading the first page and a half of the thread last night I was prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt, but have read the rest I just have a gut feeling he's been caught red-handed and is desperately trying to excuse it.

Not only that, but IMHO pinball should be played on a proper pinball machine, not a simulation on a computer screen :p
I steal games, DVD's, Movies etc.
However its quite OK for me to do this because I'm a poor student and can't afford to actually buy the things I steal.
I only buy games when they are £18 - I'll happily steal them until they are at such a price.
I'm no better than any other software/movie thief, but my cheeky smilie at the end of the post makes it all OK.

Oh and as to the "Million and one ways" he could get away with things.
Fancy listing just one - you haven't done yet.
Remembering that ignorance is not actually a valid defence.
"Somebody hijacked my wifi connection" is not going to work.

I just can't understand why peopel talk this kind of rubbish, you don't steal, you make a costless clone of the data, the original data is stil there, you clone (copy) something not steal. Stealing is taking away someone's property, not cloning someones property.

Besides, for me making a copy of a film for own use is legal aslong as you don't spread, I don't care what you say about EU laws I know Dutch copyright laws are relaxed compared to the EU laws, this has been repeated on many dutch sites including from the anti piracy company's like brein...

MP3s may be protected by copyright, but copyright law contains several provisions that limit the rights of the copyright holder. Dutch copyright law for example states in article 16b that it is allowed to make a few copies of a copyrighted work, if those copies are only used for private practice, study or use. This is called a "home copy". Under Dutch law it is permitted to convert your CD collection to MP3, and to play those MP3's at work, as long as they are not played back publicly so all your colleagues can hear them.

The same applies for rented or borrowed CDs, because the law does not require that you must be the legal owner of a work in order to be allowed to make a home copy. By analogy this also applies for music in other formats, such as MP3's as found on the Internet. According to Dutch law it is therefore legal to copy a rented or borrowed CD, or to download music from the Internet for one's private use.

So please, next time you accuse people that download a film or music, stop thinking everybody is wrong, for you guys in the UK, I dunno, I haven't looked into your laws, but for me, downlaoding films and music is legal and I do it and I'm proud of it, untill it's illegal I'll keep downloading, hell, even my isp gives me a free to use newsgroup server.

Also from wiki:

Although copyright infringement is often compared to theft, when something is stolen the owner no longer has access to the stolen property.

So downloading is not stealing.
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Hello snowdog, yes it is, there are no two ways about it. If you download a film, it is just basically like going into a shop and taking a movie from that particular shop without paying for it. :)

No, if you take it from a shop, the shop has 1 less film in stock.
If you downlaod it from someone who is kind enough to share, the sharer still has it.

You manufacture your own clone, that's not stealing.
Yeah but downloading it, devalues the legitimate copies of it.

Not neccesarely, that has never been proved, I'd never buy most movies/music I downloaded, purely because half of it is poo and I don't watch/listen to everything I dl, and I'm not the only one.

I'd better start getting friends essays, photocopying them, then use them myself. It isn't stealing apparently :cool:

It's technically not stealing, it's copying someone's work wich is considered fraud at school, you can't copy someone elses work @ school, but it's not stealing, as my friends would still have their essays.

Besides, who didn't copy stuff from their mates on tests, when the teacher doesn't pay attention everybody tryes copying an awser from the person next to him at least once. I can't believe nobody has never cheated @ high school @ some point.
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Not neccesarely, that has never been proved, I'd never buy most movies/music I downloaded, purely because half of it is poo and I don't watch/listen to everything I dl, and I'm not the only one.
Well what happens if everybody downloads it, the real stuff is worthless.
To steal - "to take without the owner's consent."

I'd say taking intellectual property without consent is stealing...

You don't ''take'' though.
You ''read'' it, that's all.

Well what happens if everybody downloads it, the real stuff is worthless.

Again not true, perhaps for films yes, but many surveys have shown that people who download music actually buy more music after as they are introduced to new types of music.
However I still think people would buy it to support the makers of the films, it's not worthless, it's worth a bit less, but not worth nothing.

Hello snowdog, what exactly is downloading movies then, legal and you have just as much right to watch that movie that you download as much as the person who buys a movie from a shop? Sorry but that dosen't seem quite right.

Well thankfully according to Dutch law it is. If someone chooses to buy a movie because it's easier to him or he wants to support the makers fine, but don't argue with someone downloading it as here he's doing nothing wrong.

It's not that I'd buy any movies at all in the past 5 years anyhow( no legal income ), only way to watch movies for me is to rent/ borrow/ download or tv.
I know enough people that download hundreds of gigs of series & films and later still buy the boxset, all for their own personal reasons, one wants to have the box, other wants to support the series/film another does it for the quality, etc.
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The shops overprice the films a lot anyhow, there's no way a film can cost more than 20€ sometimes:

2 4.4 gb dvd's & burning / pressing the data: 50 cents
Printing costs + box + packaging whatever, max 2 € at a guess.
Paypack to producing costs : 5 €.
transport costs: I dunno 1 € max a piece since shipped in large numbers.

I think anyhow.

with doownloading you don't need all that though, all that counts is the cost of transferring the data. Selling boxed films is a massive and inneficient waste of money.
All films should be downloadable or sharable and have a '' optional'' donation for the production costs, good films would automaticly bring up money seeing how much people donate for free stuff on the net.
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