Dishonored 2

So is this it then? Do not buy any new new game until up to a year after release so it actually works? Imagine buying any other product that does that. Was really looking forward to this game, first is a favourite of mine, but I'm already feeling put off.

For some it'll work, for some it won't. But yea, that's generally a good idea.

I very very rarely have any issues with games. The only one in recent memory that didn't work was Mafia 3. It works well now - after a good few patches, but at launch the game wouldn't .... launch. Next update it launched but the resolution was all weird. Think there was another one a week or two ago and it works as intended now.

Looks like I'll hang on with this one until after Christmas and a few patches down the line.
And the positional audio in this game is non existent cant tell which way they are coming from and get jipped in the back. Terrible

Oh and the random crash to desktop.... Man this game.
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And the positional audio in this game is non existent cant tell which way they are coming from and get jipped in the back. Terrible

Oh and the random crash to desktop.... Man this game.

Random crashes, that seems to be a thing for me also. Infrequent but they do happen.
Only had time for a quick test but it seems quite improved for me. Still dipping below 60 in a few places but nowhere near as bad as before. There were some places in the street during the first level (the only level I've played) where it would drop to around 30, just went to one of those places and get around 50-60. Also there was a spot at the very beginning where it was dropping to 10, and now that also goes down to around 50-60. Mouse movement seems much better.

Brief spec - 2500K, 290X, 8GB.

Maybe not amazing but definitely seems playable now, though unfortunately I've started a couple of other games so will have to wait a while.
Patch destroyed framepacing for me, so even at 60fps it stutters. Reverted back and the framepacing is great again and I have smooth 60fps. I really hope the patch next week will be fully fixed.
Just installed the patch, has massively improved the game for me. Mouse movement feels better and the framerate is vastly better. Marvelous !
Just read that there will be a ng+ mode coming in December. Cool, I'll definitely try that out. I wonder if you have to play through as the character you completed it with. I imagine you probably do.
New game plus. You start a new game using a save taken from the end and you play through again keeping all the skills and items etc you had when you completed it. Enemies are tougher and might do different things... At least that is broadly how it works in most games. Not sure how it will work here, especially seeing how you lose the mark of the outsider at the start of the game if you are Corvo. Would be cool if a different scene played out where taking the mark didn't work.
A question for those not having issues... how does this run on a GTX970 at 1080p?

Currently playing through the first game and loving it so the second could be a christmas prezzie to myself.
A question for those not having issues... how does this run on a GTX970 at 1080p?

Currently playing through the first game and loving it so the second could be a christmas prezzie to myself.

I have a GTX980 and it doesn't run particularly well in some areas
A question for those not having issues... how does this run on a GTX970 at 1080p?

Currently playing through the first game and loving it so the second could be a christmas prezzie to myself.

I have a 970GTX and an old i7-960 stock 3Ghz - At 1080p with the beta patch it runs silky smooth all on High HBAO+ nothing turned off.
I have a 970GTX and an old i7-960 stock 3Ghz - At 1080p with the beta patch it runs silky smooth all on High HBAO+ nothing turned off.

Careful mate, someone may come after you for saying that. Didn't you know, just because it works for you it does not mean it will work for everyone else :p:D

But in all seriousness it is good to see that spec can run the game fine, gives people an idea whater to try it out or not :)
I installed the beta patch and NVidia hotfix. Made things worse.

Uninstalled them dropped back to 1.0 and now its running near perfect on ultra settings 100% res scale.

Still get crashed to desktop all the time though pretty miffed with it now.
Shambles of a launch.
I have a GTX980 and it doesn't run particularly well in some areas

I have a 970GTX and an old i7-960 stock 3Ghz - At 1080p with the beta patch it runs silky smooth all on High HBAO+ nothing turned off.

But in all seriousness it is good to see that spec can run the game fine, gives people an idea whater to try it out or not :)

Sounds like a case of suck it and see! God bless steam refunds :)
Sounds like a case of suck it and see! God bless steam refunds :)

Wow, that's one way of looking at it. lol!

Another way would be you just take Punt :p

Steam has got you covered if you don't like it anyway, so no need to suck anything :p;):D
After the beta update the game is now more playable. Still not great performance but at least I can actually use the kb + m now!

The engine doesn't look that good to me tbh, they should have just stuck with the old one, which offered smooth gameplay and decent enough graphics *for the style of the art*.

Still finding the audio a bit all over the place though, and sometimes enemies can detect me around corners or from out of sight positions. The toggle sprint and toggle lean options are really annoying as well.
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