Dishonored 2

Do we need the Nvidia hotfix driver as well ? is there only a fix for Pascal cards and nothing else
Do we need the Nvidia hotfix driver as well ? is there only a fix for Pascal cards and nothing else

The previous nvidia drivers had a problem with lowering memory speeds on Pascal cards. The hot fix resolves that - I don't think it's specifically for people wanting to play 'Dishonored 2', but if you'd installed the 375.86 then you should grab the hot fix.
what frames are you getting with a 980ti

I was using vsync, for the most part on a mixture of high/medium, I was getting 60fps, but it would still drop to 40fps.

Not acceptable to be honest, it's hardly a ground breaking game graphically. So in my opinion, it's not fixed for me.
Bit strange as before the update i was getting between 50-90fps on ultra at 3440x1440 on my 980ti.

Ill try the new patch tonight if i get some time.
So is this it then? Do not buy any new new game until up to a year after release so it actually works? Imagine buying any other product that does that. Was really looking forward to this game, first is a favourite of mine, but I'm already feeling put off.

There a couple of misfires per year but I wouldn't let it get you down. Titanfall 2 and BF1 works brilliantly on launch. As long as we make some noise about bad launches it should discourage devs being lazy. Never pre order
So is this it then? Do not buy any new new game until up to a year after release so it actually works? Imagine buying any other product that does that. Was really looking forward to this game, first is a favourite of mine, but I'm already feeling put off.

It doesn't take a year (except for COD Advanced Warfare which was still broken a year after release) but sadly, yes, PC games do not work properly on release anymore, they must know that enough people will pre-order them anyway and do their bug-testing for them.

You need to wait and see how bad it is and how gamebreaking the issues are, because there are always issues. Did any major releases this year perform properly on launch? It's a serious question, because if so, I will probably buy it. Titanfall 2 seems to work, will probably buy that next and leave Dishonoroed for a bit longer. Performance issues ruin the experience for me.

Sounds like the patch is already out for this one, and the game sounds very good, performance issues aside.
Sounds like this is now worth picking up. £29.99 CDKeys or Steam for an extra £10 but I get the refund option - but I really did like the first game, so might just save the £10
Sounds like this is now worth picking up. £29.99 CDKeys or Steam for an extra £10 but I get the refund option - but I really did like the first game, so might just save the £10

I took the £29.99 option with another 5% off with there facebook code. So £28.49 all in.

It really is a good game.
I'm hearing mixed things about the patch. I loved the first game and waited a few years for this sequel...I can wait a few more weeks or even months if that's how long it takes to get it to "the way it's meant to be played". Oh the irony!
PC games do not work properly on release anymore, they must know that enough people will pre-order them anyway and do their bug-testing for them.

My point entirely. Arkham Knight, AC Unity, GTA all games that failed for me personally and I'm still waiting to hear back from Square Enix on Deus Ex not coping with eyefinity. Even the devs end up losing because all that happens is people are going to hang back and get the games when they are half the price.
At least BF1 had a decent Alpha and Beta period which has obviously paid off but for a campaign only game there is no excuse to use your buyers as testers.
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Performance seems worse since patch getting 30-44fps in the town where I'm sure i had 60fps almost solidly

Going to give the beta NVidia patch a go also see if that does anything. The difficulty in this game is insane feel like I'm fighting them off with a lollipop stick no idea what I'm doing still lol :D
nvidia drivers and D2 patch made game perfect for me now.. mouse is fixed and getting 70+ fps everywhere max gfxs bloom off fov 90 3440x1440p and game feels smoother now frame pacing issues seem fixed and gsync feels like its working better now!
PC games do not work properly on release anymore

This is not a new thing. Its arguably better now as at least we get patches. Years ago I bought a hell of a lot of PC games that outright never worked and I never did get them working.

Is it acceptable? No it is not but this isnt a new thing. Its always been like this
This is not a new thing. Its arguably better now as at least we get patches. Years ago I bought a hell of a lot of PC games that outright never worked and I never did get them working.

Is it acceptable? No it is not but this isnt a new thing. Its always been like this

Yeah I think the key difference these days is our ability to shout about it more with social media, steam reviews etc.

Though personally I don't think its that bad. There have been a few big releases with major issues but I think most stuff has been fine for the majority of people. Unless we're talking about a few annoying bugs rather than game breaking issues.

The only solution is to stop pre-ordering, and I know I need to take my own advice here. Especially when you get a company like Bethesda creating a strict review policy so its impossible to find out what a game is like prior to release. And when you do buy a game you should get the whole game, you shouldn't have to miss out on a few crappy items people got for pre-ordering.
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Got to admit i was wrong on the base it seems like a good game enjoyed jumping from place to place cutting people in half and then throwing a grenade and shifting before it exploded pretty cool.

Still i feel like i should be running at ultra easily 60fps and above had to limit it down without 100% res scale which resets anyway back to 75 when you pick it back up.

Think i'll hold out for the proper patch..... Next month it is :D
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