Dishonored 2

Dishonored 2 PC Update - Steam Beta Update
When Dishonored 2 was launched, the game experienced PC performance problems on machines with specific configurations. We’re working to address some of these with our updates over time, and some will be addressed by driver updates released by our partners.

Today we’re beginning the process with new NVIDIA PC drivers (375.95) and our first post-release title update (Update 1.1).

PC users on NVIDIA cards should grab this driver [] update before playing.
NVIDIA driver 375.95 Link []

For users with AMD cards, the recommended driver is still 16.10.2. Look for more information from AMD on CrossFire support in the near future. As we have new information on drivers for both card types, we will update our forums.

Additionally, a new title update for Dishonored 2 (v 1.1) is now available via Steam as a Beta update – see below for instructions. Update 1.1 includes a small number of fixes including:
Mouse improvements, including a fix for sensitivity being framerate dependent
Fixes an AMD cloth physics issue, which impacts framerates at various points in the game
Fixes an issue affecting CPU task priority - the game no longer switches CPU task priority
If you run into issues or have questions please let us know in the public Dishonored 2 Steam Beta Forums on

Our work on Dishonored 2 continues. Update 1.2 development is underway and will address a broader range of issues including performance and is estimated to be available in the next week.

How to access the Steam Beta
Log into Steam.
Right Click on Dishonored 2 in your Library.
Select Properties.
Select Betas.
A drop down menu will appear. Select BetaPatch.
Select OK.
Wait a few minutes for game to update.
When done, Dishonored 2 [BetaPatch] should appear in our Library.

Thanks for your support!

I wonder when the update will be released on steam.

IGNORE! I really should learn to read...

Eeeee, 6.4 gigs... For 3 fixes? Mouth speed in relation to FPS, physics issue for AMD and a CPU task priority fix... How is that 6.4 gigs?
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Woah, as it said small update I thought I'd opt in to the beat to give it a quick try, and it came up 6.4gb. I'll give it a miss tonight.
The patch is pretty massive considering such small changes...

Just downloaded and installed update and new drivers and....for me at least....

Rock solid 60fps, weird mouse lag gone, all running as I hoped it would have 7 days ago - finally I can play this game. #firstworldproblems
Just downloaded and installed update and new drivers and....for me at least....

Rock solid 60fps, weird mouse lag gone, all running as I hoped it would have 7 days ago - finally I can play this game. #firstworldproblems

You give me hope! I'm just finishing installing drivers and game patch is almost done.
Mouse controls are rather good now it seems I had a play about on the second level and it is much improved 60-100 FPS at 3440 x 1440 Max everything 110 FOV and bloom off. Ashame Youtube butchers quality, it seems the 1440p version hasn't appeared yet.

So is this it then? Do not buy any new new game until up to a year after release so it actually works? Imagine buying any other product that does that. Was really looking forward to this game, first is a favourite of mine, but I'm already feeling put off.
I think it's largely due to the switch from Unreal 3 to ID Tech 5 which is a dog of an engine. Unfortunately it seems development for this must have started before ID Tech 6 was ready as we know that's a good engine (Doom).

Anyway luckily I held back on this as whilst I liked the first game I'm wasn't quite as feverish about it as some on here. I do want to get this but as always it's worth waiting for most AAA pc releases nowadays.
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