Dishonored 2

Runs great for me now. 3440x1440 ultra with fps limited to 90 using in-game menu. Haven't even seen it drop past 60 and I have G-Sync so don't notice

Starting a flesh and steal high chaos run now. How good are this games systems? If you only killed the enemies the heart says are bad would you get high or low chaos for instance or are they just randomly attributed comments?

See above.

Thanks! Then I think I'll look for a good deal on this later this week. :)
Anyone notice that the audio isn't very accurate? Using headphones I can't really tell where footsteps are coming from etc... Bit annoying!

Yeah audio positioning is dire to say the least. Hate when they don't add audio options to games - A lot of people even with consoles still have high end audio systems. Just shows how out of touch the market is getting.
... and is it running better?

I see it can be had on PC for just over £20 and thought I may give it a punt.... I've not been keeping track of updates, but assume things are somewhat better.
Anyone notice that the audio isn't very accurate? Using headphones I can't really tell where footsteps are coming from etc... Bit annoying!

Indeed, it's difficult to figure out.

So a few updates later, is the sound still an issue?

It's still not very positional but that doesn't bother me

... and is it running better?

I think so - I'm not on high settings or anything just low/medium, no AA and it runs well don't generally keep tabs on the FPS but steam overlay shows 50+fps if I recall. Have not tried anything higher but it felt worse at launch because of the mouse issues. Thankfully the mouse works nicely now, which was my main annoyance when it came out.
I think so - I'm not on high settings or anything just low/medium, no AA and it runs well don't generally keep tabs on the FPS but steam overlay shows 50+fps if I recall. Have not tried anything higher but it felt worse at launch because of the mouse issues. Thankfully the mouse works nicely now, which was my main annoyance when it came out.

Ok thanks... I wonder if its worth waiting until after xmas now. Guessing the prices will drop even more pretty soon. When does the Steam sale usualy start?
Ok thanks... I wonder if its worth waiting until after xmas now. Guessing the prices will drop even more pretty soon. When does the Steam sale usualy start?

I'm wondering about the exact same thing; is it patched properly enough now or wait (which I can until spring). The sound issue not fixed would bother me, I admit.
Seems to run fine for me, had an hour or so on it last night.

That said, I may have the loan over Christmas of a GTX1080, so I'd damn well hope it would! :D

Also, I seem to be being detected much easier than the first game... or I'm just cack at stealth games. :(
That's a nice thing to get on loan! I'm hoping for a Christmas sale for the game, whilst fearing they'll never fix certain issues such as the sound and performance - which seems to be a trend as of late.
Just installed this. With all the talk about poor performance (even if it's improved with patching), and the sheer amount of settings to play around with, does anyone have a rough guide for what kind of settings I should be thinking of to get 40-60 fps (not too fussed with drops to 40 or so as I have a g-sync monitor) with a GTX 780.

GeForce Experience is telling me to optimise for very low settings, which doesn't seem very satisfactory.

Also thinking I might upgrade to a 1060 or 1070 in the next month or two so if it's not playable at decent settings on this card I might just play something else until I upgrade.

I bought this a few weeks ago but only started playing yesterday. Loving it!!

This time I'm trying to go stealthy with no death. Makes for a much more considered approach. The first Dishonored I went full psycho, guns blazing :)

As for performance, played great on high with my gtx970, plays better on ultra with my new 1070. Only issue is blurriness on distant textures, reshade fixed that.
Been really enjoying this so far. It's a bit disappointing I suppose how little it innovates from the first game, but I do like the atmosphere, art style and gameplay.

I was going for a clean hands ghost run but I got spotted by
the crown killer
without realising until later so that's blown the ghost run. Yet to use any powers other than blink, but I don't think there's an achievement for that this time so I guess I'll level up bend time or something soon.

Runs okay on my system, surprisingly. I initially set the AA options down from TXAA, but it looked horrible - shimmering edges everywhere! Thankfully it runs acceptably with TXAA and sharpening and very high settings. A bit sluggish perhaps, but certainly acceptable with g-sync, and it does look nice now.

But man - ghosting past all those clockwork soldiers was hard work. It took me ages!
So, hows the performance? Still cack? I want to play at 1440p on my 980ti, this was simply not possible previously. Still the case?
So, hows the performance? Still cack? I want to play at 1440p on my 980ti, this was simply not possible previously. Still the case?

As I was saying above - for me it's been surprisingly good considering how many negative comments there were about it on release.

I only play at 1080p, but then I only have a GTX 780 as well. Runs well enough with texture and character detail on very high, everything else on high, TXAAx1 and 20 sharpening. Looks very nice. I don't know what my frame-rate is, but whilst it can feel a little sluggish in places, it's been consistenly smooth and perfectly playable. Must be comfortably north of 40fps, which is fine with my monitor. It dropped to a level that felt less playable when I stuck water detail to very high near the coast, but otherwise has been good.

I guess you'd need quite some power to stick everything on ultra at 1440p, but a mix of very high/high looks good enough to me.
game runs perfect on my 1080 at 3440x1440p on my 3rd playthrough now.. done high chaos corvo low chaos emily now gonna do emily again but with no powers!
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