Dishonored 2

I did a low chaos clean hands run and I think it's best you do things out of sight. Civs tend to scream and run away, or cower, but can't remember if that brings the guards or not or if it effects chaos. As for the safes, there is no logic apart from finding the clues. The codes are different in different playthroughs.

It's a great game !
Feel I'm nearing the end now - just left the Dust District. Is there any proper DLC planned for this one like the original?
Feel I'm nearing the end now - just left the Dust District. Is there any proper DLC planned for this one like the original?

Nothing announced yet. I really hope so though. I think Bethesda will announce expansion at E3. My money is on Billie being the protagonist.
Tried this for the first time yesterday. More games should make use of a demo system like this one where saves carry over and it auto replaces the demo upon download of the full purchase. Seems very good after a couple of hours in. The art style is great even down to the menus. Performance is fairly good for me, however I do get the very slight micro stutter in bigger areas occasionally even though the frame rate is above 60 with gsync. Only other minor annoyance is a key bind problem with mouse 4 and 5.
Just started playing this today. Feel like it's a bit more polished than the first one.

Playing this on normal. It's both easy and hard at the same time. If you don't go steaming into combat and parry first it's easy. If you go Gun Ho you get slaughtered.

Is there a big difference between the Corvo and Emily story lines? I've chosen Emily.
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It's a real shame the performance tanks slightly in open areas as well as the micro stutter type issue. It otherwise seems like a very good game.

The custom difficulty option is again something more should offer, numerous options. Somewhere between normal and hard is perfect for a fairly casual playthrough.
Not really but it adds context.

Okay I've still not got around to playing the 2nd one so obviously I can't answer completely, but what I would say it play the first one, along with the DLC! Its an absolutely fantastic game and often available for a bargain price, there is just no reason not to. Sometimes people say to play the first game in a series and I can't be bothered because its dated or something like that, but that's not the case here.

Without bothering to hunt around for deals I can see the game of the year edition is £6.99 at cdkeys, its just so worth it.
This game even at 1200p has crushed my 970. I originally had it at ultra and for the most part it was fine then started getting big slow downs during fights with multiple enemies. Dropped it to do Very high. Thought that had sorted it but still getting massive slow downs here and there.

A little Google reveals the game will use over 5Gb of vram even at 1080p and my 970 only has 3.5/4Gb so I've ended up dropping it down to high.....

I need a new GPU.

I doubt it's the CPU as I just upgraded to a AMD 1700.
Just about to start the last mission, I've done about 34 hours until now - I've been slower than usual, went with hard setting and I've been methodical in my approach. Low Chaos all the way :cool:

Question, when I do complete is it just the Arkane Studios folder I need to retain in the Saved Games folder in my profile. I imagine IF (I hope they do!) make any story-line DLC in the near future, that you'll need the base game and previous saves present?

Think I might have a look at Prey next since it's from the same studio...
Just about to start the last mission, I've done about 34 hours until now - I've been slower than usual, went with hard setting and I've been methodical in my approach. Low Chaos all the way :cool:

Question, when I do complete is it just the Arkane Studios folder I need to retain in the Saved Games folder in my profile. I imagine IF (I hope they do!) make any story-line DLC in the near future, that you'll need the base game and previous saves present?

Think I might have a look at Prey next since it's from the same studio...

I doubt you will need savegames. DLC to Dishonored 1 was also intertwined with main game, but save was not needed.
And yes, Prey is definitely something you should check out next :cool:
Right, complete it, Low Chaos ending I think? Everything work well anyway and I didn't kill Delilah :)

Did it 2nd time which is good for me... just need some DLC now. Don't really fancy playing through again as Corvo.
I'm getting horrible judder

Don't have it, but running GOW4 on FastSync+G-Sync I was getting bad judder until I turned it to VSync+G-Sync, heard of an issue about FastSync causing judder but it's the first title of many games played on my system that's exhibited the symptom so worth a try.
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