Dishonored 2

Latest can't remember actual version number am at work.. but defo the latest..

Running i7 at 4.4 16gb ram etc
Anyone play this with a Xbox one controller and notice a largish dead zone and aim acceleration?

Anyway to turn off as is making looking around a chore? Or is it something on my end?

Going to try with a wired 360 controller and see if that helps.

Also can't seem to play it at 4K so running at 1440p, very high with AA off on a Gtx 1080 and getting a solid 60fps. Is that about right?
I do but i use a wired Xbox one controller, not noticed the dead zone myself.

Playing on a 980m with all settings very high at 1080p if thats any help? No slow down or tearing or anything like that.
Looking forward to playing this, had it as a Christmas present. Still trying to finish off the first one and it's dlc. Currently near the start of brigamore witches. Have to say I'm having more fun playing as Duncan but I thinks that's to do with playing high chaos as opposed to corvos low chaos.
I do but i use a wired Xbox one controller, not noticed the dead zone myself.

Playing on a 980m with all settings very high at 1080p if thats any help? No slow down or tearing or anything like that.

Tried with a wired 360 controller and is much better with very little dead zone.

Maybe the Xbox one controller just has a higher dead zone.
Last night I finished my first run - Corvo, low chaos, clean hands. Was going for ghost, but ended with two instances of being spotted. Two! Dammit! Oh well, doubt I'll be going for another ghost run so will just have to forget it.

Loved the level design. Some of the best I think I've seen, actually. The game looked and ran great for me, and the way the enviornment worked to allow you to explore and approach situations in ways consonant with your chosen powers and style was really excellent. In this regard they outdid the first game, I think, even if the overall story felt a bit repetitive, formulaic and cobbled together.

Some amazing levels I won't forget for a long while. I didn't like the very end section very much, but other than that, skulking and blinking around the levels was great.

I didn't make much use of posession or bend time. They feel a bit overpowerful really given how abundant mana potions are, and apart from a few experiments to mess around I had more challenging fun skulking and blinking around using choke-outs and sleep darts. The blink power that stops time while you're aiming it, the crafted bonecharm letting you recover sleep darts most of the time and the semi-auto crossbow upgrade already made my Corvo more than powerful enough. In fact, the game became a bit easy-mode once I'd got all of those, even without the more powerful abilities.

Really liked it. Will do a more deadly Emily run when the DLC comes out to lead into that (there were quite a few people who I feel my clean hands run let off quite lightly! :) )
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Anyone got SweetFX working on this?

I've tried, but had no success - I've had it working on plenty of other stuff before.

Anyone any suggestions? Or point me to the config you're using? :)
Anyone got SweetFX working on this?

I've tried, but had no success - I've had it working on plenty of other stuff before.

Anyone any suggestions? Or point me to the config you're using? :)

It's Idtech so opengl no? Hence not working with the directx hook? Dishonored 1 was unreal 3 so directx. Maybe I'm mistaken, but that's what I recall. I vaguely remember an opengl version doing the rounds but I might be imagining it.
Yep, I played it over Xmas. Performance was fine even on my aging system at mostly very high settings, I didn't notice any bugs and I could even alt-tab out and back in without issue despite reading that this could cause problems.

And it is a great game. The level design is really outstanding.
Bought this today and performance is great but i get annoying little stutters sometimes. anyone else get this?
Just finished this game, played low chaos emily. Gonna take a break and play something else before starting high chaos corvo. Quick question if i choose the option not to have my abilities whats happens do you get a different ending or is it just an achievement?
Hi guys,

Just started this from Christmas and like the first one, I'm loving it!

2 things though; 1, does it matter if civ's see you take down a guard or move their unconscious body etc - I'm trying for low chaos, and 2, what's the logic behind cracking the safe codes? Any tips?

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