Dishonored - Thread

Just been playing this for about an hour, I like it so far, very Thief like. The visual style of the game and characters feels a bit like Team Fortress 2 or Brink.

The game is definately in need of some pc modding to squeeze some more visual goodness from it, and the FOV needs tweaking a bit. It does feel a bit 'console-y' but still enjoyable so far. I am yet to gain any 'powers', Im still in the initial story telling beginning trying to avoid the enemies. I wont give anything away to avoid spoilers.
Set FOV higher than 85:
To fix your FOV go to %USERDIR%\Documents\my games\Dishonored\DishonoredGame\Config

Open DishonoredEngine.ini

Search for:

and change it to meet your needs.



Unpack all main files not the first directory but everything in the second one into Dishonored\Binaries\Win32
no idea but its really annoying -.-

It's primarily down to retail outlet conventions with their infrastructure built around Tuesdays and Fridays being the "big" release days.

Digital distributors have contractual obligations with publishers not to break regional release dates as physical retailers would flip a table.

It's archaic but getting better over time. Movies have it worse!
So, on the 4th mission, I think. Without giving a spoiler away, those will know what I mean. I just did the poison mission.

I'm finding it hard not to kill! The gameplay for combat is so much fun! But nope, I'm staying as much stealth as possible. But have had a few kills now. It's fun when you are creeping in the skies, watching enemies patrols working out the best way to do something.

More play tomorrow me thinks :)

Oh, just maxed out agility (2 ranks), I'm like a ninja now with blink lol.
so, now I'm at work and getting paid to browse the forums, I will give my insight into my few hours of gameplay so far. Starting with my pet hates.

Organisation of the 'missions' and sub missions. NO descriptions at all, just a one line of what the general idea is. So for me, as a purist who turns off all but the cross hair in the UI, it's hard, as I have found my self turning on the objective points. Because I am having to read through tons of mission notes to even get a hint on where to go.

If there were descriptions or conversation notes of what was discussed by the sub mission giver, that would be awesome!

Even something like "Find the old man down the alley to the west, speak to him for directions to do x,y,z".

So yea, pretty annoying.

Secondly, the combat, I feel like the game is constantly poking me saying "check out how lethal you are! Look at these awesome and grotesque animations/skills you can pull off!! OH BUT WAIT! If you do this, the game is going to be crap at the later levels... Just saying".

So every time I get into an encounter out of my own mistake, I feel like I am slowly ruining the game for me. It's annoying, as I really want to play a stealth assassin, not a ghost on my first play through. As the skills are just too much fun not to use! So don't think I will stick to my 'no conflict rule' much longer.

Thirdly, the story...

Ok, so yea, I am the empress's personal body guard, some dudes show up and assassinate her, leave me for dead and to be blamed for the assassination and take the empresses daughter. I break free with the help of some unknown organisation, meet them and it's sort of a 'purist' club. True to the allegiance of the empress and want to use me to assassinate their targets.

So far, I killed the high overseer and saved Cornwall. But I have no idea how they play into the story. Next mission is to kill the Kindleton twins... Again, the notes and quest logs are so barren I have no idea why or how they fit into my story?

Lastly, mission times. There are no indications on how long you have or anything. I had a certain sub mission to visit an old lady, by the time I got to her, she was beaten to death by thugs outside her house. That I should have killed after speaking to her... I didn't know this? Was not warned of this? Nothing. So I had to start again.

I think I will start playing how I want, not how the game wants.
Question - is it possible to holster one hand, not the other ?
I found gun and got crossbow, but when sneaking I only want my blade out, not the gun. How do I holster that ?
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