Distasteful vegan TV ad

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How did a lifeguard get involved in this discussion?
Also a phone is not an essential thing. Clothing, food and shelter are

Its an analogy :confused:

I think you might struggle in todays society without a phone, I know I would, id have no way of customers contacting me, should I use royal mail instead.

Environmental damage we cause as humans decimates entire habits and has caused the extinction of several species in recent history.

You may be willing to "hand-wave away" your impact on the environment and the impact that has on wildlife specifies, but that is pure ignorance on your part.

The extraction of precious / heavy metals for production of many of the things you use on a daily basis DIRECTLY cause animal suffering, wipe out entire habits and extinct species.

Why do you think YOUR harm and pollution is acceptable, but other people's is not?

I dont find it "acceptable" but just because we HAVE to cause some harm by simply existing why cause more when we can so easily not?

Animals and people die on the roads all the time as a direct cause of transport, i dont think society would survive with transportation, hence why im not suggesting people stop leaving their homes.

Habitat loss and wildlife species are DIRECTLY impacted (mostly) by animal agriculture https://ourworldindata.org/what-are-drivers-deforestation
Utter clowns aren't they, how about posting the part where theyre forced into a box and have a bolt fired into their heads?

Or when their babies are taken away, or when the male calfs are killed after a few days.... or when they're branded, or de horned... Yea didnt think so.
I think the babies are taken fairly early to minimise distress as the longer they are with the mother the worse it gets.

The male calves being killed immediately was supposed be coming to a stop, with the help of sexed semen and most of the supermarkets have banned the practice. Whether it still goes on who knows.

The dehorning is supposed to be done under anaesthetic.
I think the babies are taken fairly early to minimise distress as the longer they are with the mother the worse it gets.

The male calves being killed immediately was supposed be coming to a stop, with the help of sexed semen and most of the supermarkets have banned the practice. Whether it still goes on who knows.

The dehorning is supposed to be done under anaesthetic.

Ideally you wouldn't take them away at all, well obviously I don't think the industry should exist.

Unfortunately not, they just stopped shooting them on the farm, now they take them to a slaughterhouse instead.
Ideally you wouldn't take them away at all, well obviously I don't think the industry should exist.

Unfortunately not, they just stopped shooting them on the farm, now they take them to a slaughterhouse instead.
I thought the feelings of them being taken passed pretty quickly and they are happy in the herd?

As for the male dairy calves, in theory there should less of them over the next few years as more farmers use sexed semen. For the ones that are born male maybe humans should be eating more veal instead of beef so they are not seen as surplus to requirements immediately.

I guess its good to see something is at least being attempted to improve things.
I agree with the issues in the dairy industry, I've seen first hand the calves shoved in pens just after the colostrum 1st drink, it really isnt very nice.

There's a farm near me that keeps the calves on the cow and just milks once a day alongside the calves. They're eventually weaned off and then the females join the herd and the males grown for beef.

Pretty good system as far as I'm concerned, obviously the full on nutters will still call it rape :cry:, but what can you do.
How can people put good idea and males grown for beef in the same sentence maybe karma will see them reborn as a cow in the next life see how they like them apples
The thing is these cows will be chillin in the field and then one day they might be sent off to slaughter, they don't know anything about it as far as I can see.
How can people put good idea and males grown for beef in the same sentence maybe karma will see them reborn as a cow in the next life see how they like them apples

Maybe karma will see you reborn into a nickel mine in the Congo. You do one less morally ambiguous thing than some other people, get off your high horse.
I don’t care about cows, pigs, sheep etc if they’re in the supermarket or on my plate at the pub.
But if I new them as individuals that would be different, so the system works for me.
I don’t care about cows, pigs, sheep etc if they’re in the supermarket or on my plate at the pub.
But if I new them as individuals that would be different, so the system works for me.

empathy is a revelation, give it a try , it may also delay your need for the cancer care ward
Great advert for caring , sharing veganism

public info is all dood

The World Health Organization has classified processed meats including ham, bacon, salami and frankfurts as a Group 1 carcinogen (known to cause cancer) which means that there's strong evidence that processed meats cause cancer. Eating processed meat increases your risk of bowel and stomach cancer.
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