Distasteful vegan TV ad

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Yes of course you are wrong , do you agree with country's that eat dogs , probably not because your (some) a bunch of 2 faced humans who don't have any compassion , at least some are slowly making the change

Also I am out of this thread because I am not a pale unhealthy individual with no life apart from sitting at a computer, I have a garden to do and surfing to be done .
Enjoy your bikering lol
At least your response isn't from most 'Vegans' point of view and more like my daughters.
You accept that Vegan food also slaughters billions of animals and in a lot of cases slowly kills them with pesticides etc, so which is better, a cow having a bolt through it's head or an insect slowly dying in pain?
Once you accept they are the same then you can argue that a Vegan diet is better for the World so I'm on your side with that.

They are the same, and both are pretty awful if you think about it. We've really made a mess of things on this planet.

I agree a a swift death is preferable, but that cow eats up to 15-20 times more than a human, and yields a tiny percent of that as food. All that animal feed comes from crops, which use pesticides.

Therefore if you want to reduce the amount of insects dying in pain then plant based foods are still the preferable option as less crops are needed, and so less crop deaths occur.
Yes of course you are wrong , do you agree with country's that eat dogs , probably not because your (some) a bunch of 2 faced humans who don't have any compassion , at least some are slowly making the change

I agree with them eating them but not how some of them kill them (boiling alive etc).
It does make me laugh how humans make differences between the animals they eat.
I'll try anything but if the animal was endangered I would probably refuse unless I'm starving.
And that's my opinion and I'm not wrong because I question everything.
They are the same, and both are pretty awful if you think about it. We've really made a mess of things on this planet.

I agree a a swift death is preferable, but that cow eats up to 15-20 times more than a human, and yields a tiny percent of that as food. All that animal feed comes from crops, which use pesticides.

Therefore if you want to reduce the amount of insects dying in pain then plant based foods are still the preferable option as less crops are needed, and so less crop deaths occur.

You have easily put the best argument forward instead of all the knee jerk reaction vegans.
It took him eight days and forty posts in this thread alone to post this gem:

I am not a pale unhealthy individual with no life apart from sitting at a computer


Also, next time you go to your local grass vendor, ask if they do English lessons too, you throw a lot of shade for someone who writes like a 5 year old.
All that animal feed comes from crops, which use pesticides.

No, if you buy grass fed beef then its free range / pastured and eats grass in the field, zero pesticides and zero mass manufactured "fertiliser" except what comes from the cows themselves.

This is the problem, people seem to have zero clue about where their food comes from and what damage it does, they just read daily mail type headlines from vegan propaganda saying "meat is bad" and don't think any further.

Do you still think your diet kills less than mine? I kill one cow about every year, yours kills how many untold billions of insects and small birds etc.
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No, if you buy grass fed beef then its free range / pastured and eats grass in the field, zero pesticides and zero mass manufactured "fertiliser" except what comes from the cows themselves.

But this makes up a small percentage of the industry. A majority of people do not have access to grass fed beef. It's also not possible to scale up free range grass fed animals to meet current demand, so it's not like everyone could make the switch anyway.

If I could guarantee that all the meat and diary I get came from high welfare animals on free range farms then maybe I would still be eating meat. But most animal products, and almost everything you get when eating out will be coming from intensive farmed animals, unless otherwise stated.

I felt it was easier just to cut it all out.
But this makes up a small percentage of the industry. A majority of people do not have access to grass fed beef. It's also not possible to scale up free range grass fed animals to meet current demand, so it's not like everyone could make the switch anyway.

If I could guarantee that all the meat and diary I get came from high welfare animals on free range farms then maybe I would still be eating meat. But most animal products, and almost everything you get when eating out will be coming from intensive farmed animals, unless otherwise stated.

I felt it was easier just to cut it all out.
My food uses zero pesticides, I ONLY eat zero pesticide food, what do you eat?

I haven't eaten out in 3 years.

See what I mean, you guys are just a bunch of hypocrites.
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Do you still think your diet kills less than mine? I kill one cow about every year, yours kills how many untold billions of insects and small birds etc.

Well to be fair I never said it did as you're not exactly a typical person who relies on purchasing your food from a supermarket for as best price you can get it, which in reality applies to the majority of the population.
My food uses zero pesticides, I ONLY eat zero pesticide food, what do you eat?

I haven't eaten out in 3 years.

See what I mean, you guys are just a bunch of hypocrites.

All I am trying to do is reduce the harm I cause in my life by making alternative choices from the options available to me.

I'm not trying to convince you, or anyone else to do the same, I am simply trying to explain my position.

And you can call me a hypocrite, I probably am, we probably all are in some way, but please don't insinuate I read the Daily Mail, that cuts deep :P
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Well to be fair I never said it did as you're not exactly a typical person who relies on purchasing your food from a supermarket for as best price you can get it, which in reality applies to the majority of the population.
there are multiple places all over the UK that sell grass fed beef and online, saying you "don't have access" is nonsense
they are also cheaper than typical supermarket prices
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there are multiple places all over the UK that sell grass fed beef and online, saying you "don't have access" is nonsense
they are also cheaper than typical supermarket prices

But people value availability and convenience as well as cost. Plus we can't all go grass fed as we couldn't meet the demand?
But people value availability and convenience as well as cost. Plus we can't all go grass fed as we couldn't meet the demand?
I don't care what "everyone" does, I'm not the one telling other people what to do. I mean, when I used to drive around the UK I didn't see that many fields full of cows, so it seems like we could re-wild a lot of the UK and use it as pasture.

A quick google suggests there are 41million acres of farmland in the UK, and a rough rule of thumb is 1 cow per acre, a cow weighs 500-600kg, I eat about 500g of meat per day so one cow would last me 2 years (or 0.5 cows per person per year), there's 67 million people in the UK, 41.7 million people of working age, so you'd need something like 22 million cows to feed the whole of the UK. Pigs and chickens need a bit less but also different terrain, you can actually raise pigs in woodland which the UK also has quite a lot of.

This is fag packet maths but it seems to work out ok at first glance.

Also bearing in mind that land managed correctly with ruminants is basically a "wild" natural ecosystem, so biodiversity would improve and you could also use land currently kept as "nature" for some animals without harming other wildlife.
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