While in my opinion it has a few flaws that hold it back from true all-time-classic status Divinity: Original Sin is an excellent, beautifully designed and engaging RPG that absolutely never gets boring. The main story could be better told, companions could be more interesting (and just more), and while refreshingly free it could at least offer some better directions for important things or highlight crucial items. Nevertheless the inventive and always unique combat, the witty and humorous writing, the two player characters, the thoroughly engaging world and the sense that you're allowed to do whatever you want to keep Original Sin in the realms of must-play territory. It's also absolutely huge: it took me 23 hours just to discover the next area of the map (and I hadn't even finished exploring half of the surrounding area of Cyseal)! Whether playing single-player or co-op it's utterly great, and while not quite RPG of 2014 (South Park: The Stick of Truth is already a little better in my view, and that's before we get the likes of Dragon Age: Inquisition, Wasteland 2 and Pillars of Eternity) any self-respecting RPG gamer absolutely has to buy this game. There's a She-Orc Librarian who talks like an upper-class British school mistress for god's sake..