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RTX 4070 12GB, is it Worth it?

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I have tried to help you understand that gpus use this thing called electricity. I even gave you a link to a video to help you understand. I will link it again, https://youtu.be/DNX6fSeYYT8
If you don't understand the issue of power use by a gpu after watching the video I suggest that you drop a comment in the video to Steve
These are not my claims, these are facts provided by Hardware Unboxed, shame that you can't understand that these are not spurious claims as you state, but evidence that I provided that the 4070 is more energy efficient than the 3080

Worth its £650 then....
You are just speaking for yourself own purchasing history though, and is hardly representing the overall market situation.

I recalled seeing an article mentioning the historic figures for the marketshare, and during that gen despite ATI came out swinging with their HD5850/HD5870 with their dx11 cards coming into the market wait earlier than Nvidia, and with Nvidia only doing so-so for their toasty power hungry GTX470/GTX480, Nvidia still gained more marketshare during that gen.

AMD just won't win no matter what they do, when people will buy Nvidia like people buying Apple and simply won't consider any alternatives.

I was just about to say these were already AMD cards under the ATI branding, same with the HD 4870.

ATI went bust trying to compete with Nvidia on "Value" AMD bailed them out, despite this AMD tried to continue that somewhat in the same vain, while at the same time making some really very good and competitive cards.
As you correctly pointed out Nvidia still took marketshare with worse GPU's.

AMD learned a valuable lesson from all that, so they diversified away from this toxic and insane PCMR nonsense.

This might shock you.

AMD just published their Q1 2023 financial results.
Gaming revenue was $1.8 Billion. that's down 6% on last year

Nvidia have yet to publish theirs, but Q4 2022 Nvidia's Gaming revenue was $1.83 Billion, that's expected to be down this quarter, by a larger percentage than AMD's who despite a seizable drop in dGPU revenue their custom APU business is still growing at a substantial rate, and is set to continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

So whose really winning here? Its not Nvidia.

AMD didn't lose.

GPU's getting too expensive?

Whatever happens if you want to keep playing the latest games you will buy our GPU's anyway, we have the market cornered, now what?

We did.
Looks like both Nvidia and AMD have largely managed to maintain or even increase pricing at the mid range from this time last year by swapping some of the tiers around coupled with price increases.

May 2022


3070 was $700 now its replacement the 4070ti is $800
3060ti was $590 and now the ADA equivalent is $600
AMDs 6800XT was $860 and its replacement the 7900XT is $900 although fallen to $750 in the last month or so.
Looks like both Nvidia and AMD have largely managed to maintain or even increase pricing at the mid range from this time last year by swapping some of the tiers around coupled with price increases.

May 2022


3070 was $700 now its replacement the 4070ti is $800
3060ti was $590 and now the ADA equivalent is $600
AMDs 6800XT was $860 and its replacement the 7900XT is $900 although fallen to $750 in the last month or so.

Wasn't the 3070 RRP $499 :confused:
Yeah unless they were average retail prices at some point just after launch of one of those cards those numbers are well off. The 3070 at the time was lauded for having one of the cheapest costs per frame as well (if you could actually buy it close to RRP/MSRP).
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I was just about to say these were already AMD cards under the ATI branding, same with the HD 4870.

ATI went bust trying to compete with Nvidia on "Value" AMD bailed them out, despite this AMD tried to continue that somewhat in the same vain, while at the same time making some really very good and competitive cards.
As you correctly pointed out Nvidia still took marketshare with worse GPU's.

Will you please stop with the drivel. You are the worst poster in this section of the forum. Consistently twisting facts to suit your own agenda. AMD good, Nvidia and Intel evil.

ATI didn't go bust and AMD didn't bail them out. They were performing really well before AMD took them over. They were actually growing and just had record revenues. AMD took them over because they needed Graphic expertise for their Fusion APUs.

AMD then made two of the worst line up of GPUs ever, the 2xxx cards and the 3xxx cards. While Nvidia produced one of the best generation of cards ever with the 8800 series. It was in those years from 2006 to 2008 that Nvidia made their big jump in Market share and mindshare. The release of the 4xxx cards halted that a little. Nvidia responded with improved versions of their 2xx cards and dropped prices. AMD followed up the 4xxx cards with the 5xxx cards. The 5xxx cards were fantastic and AMD had the market to itself for nearly 6 months as Nvidia had problems with Fermi and didn't release the 480/470 until the end of March 2010.

AMD messed up that 6 month advantage, not entirely their fault though. They had supplier issues and because of that component shortages. They didn't really ramp up production of the 5xxx cards until Q1 2010. However despite this they still clawed back a lot of market share in that 6 months. When the Fermi cards were released, AMD were at 44% market share. That, roughly 60/40 market share split, continued until Nvidia released Maxwell and AMD had no answer. AMD finally released something in 2015 when they basically rebadged the Hawaii cards. And followed up that in June with the Fury cards which were a complete disaster. After Maxwell, Nvidia released their Pascal cards, their second best generation of cards ever. While AMD released Polaris a couple of months after and Vega over a year later.

In that Period between the 5870 and Vega. Please list the AMD GPUs that were better at launch then their Nvidia counterparts? I will suggest one, the 7970. Amazing GPU. The problem was that it only became an amazing GPU 6 months after Nvidia released the GTX 680. AMD screwed up the launch. They priced the card too high, they left loads of performance untapped and didn't have proper drivers. They solved the two first problems by dropping prices and releasing the Ghz edition. However, they only did that after Nvidia released the 680/670. It took them until November to get proper performance drivers out and then the 7970 became the king of that era. Or what about the Hawaii cards, the 290/x Fantastic cards, Just not at launch. Power problem, black screen problems, cooling problems. And Nvidia launched the 780Ti just two weeks later to still their thunder. I will say this though, AMD were unlucky with the 290x cards. The Mining bubble burst at very bad time for them.

They had an open goal with the 7900 cards as well. Nvidia's high pricing and problems with power connectors meant the ADA cards weren't been well received by most people. AMD did the usual AMD thing though. Totally mess it up. Bad drivers at launch and power issues. And very expensive, despite people like you telling us for ages how cheap their cards would be and how much less power they would use because of the chiplet design.

When We actually look at the facts and not your made up rubbish. We see that there were two big jumps in Market share. The first was back in 2006/2007 when AMD released the 2900 but Nvidia had the 8800 cards. The second big jump was when Nvidia had the market basically to itself for nearly two years between September 2014 and August 2016. Polaris actually sold well and brought back market share to AMD. They were around 30-36% up from 18% in 2015.

Since then the Market has been completely skewed by mining and Covid.

So, Nvidia didn't take market share when they had worse GPUs. They took market share when AMD had either no GPUs or totally useless GPUs.

AMD learned a valuable lesson from all that, so they diversified away from this toxic and insane PCMR nonsense.

What are you talking about? Both AMD and Nvidia are looking into new markets all the time. GPUs and CPUs are still their core business. You think AMD give a damn about how toxic or insane the PCMR is? LOL, usual stuff from you though. Trying to paint AMD as some kind of saintly organisation struggling under oppression. Instead of the bloodsucking, money grabbing multinational it is. AMD don't care about you or gaming or any of that. They only care about their bottom line and keeping their shareholders happy.

And AMD didn't learn a thing. Their 7900 release was poor. And they have only really started selling after AMD dropped their prices. If they had a good launch with working drivers and reasonable prices(just like the RDNA 2 launch) They would have completely cleaned up.
TLDR: You are the worst poster in this section of the forum.


Tbh I think a lot of people have had enough of nvidia with their antics over the last few years and AMD should be capitalising on the situation the same way they did against Intel for CPUs when performance stagnated, they offered more cores for less and look where they are today compared to pre zen.

With other companies cutting orders at TSMC, AMD should be buying up that capacity and knocking out Extra GPUs at more reasonable prices as the long term goal should be to overhaul nvidia in the consumer GPU segment not just play second fiddle and pick up Nvidia’s leftovers.

With Nvidia’s gpu being so grossly overpriced, AMD coming in a bit cheaper with a bit more vram just isn’t enough to convince those who have already said no to Nvidia.
I think Nvidia are a very different kettle of fish to Intel, AMD are also in a very different situation now vs pre Ryzen.

AMD cannot best Nvidia, AMD are semiconductor engineers, as are Intel, i am going to upset melmac and he can rant on his own in a dark corner all he likes...... AMD are better semiconductor engineers than Intel, AMD bested Intel by being better.
AMD know this, they always have been better, they just needed a chance to recover. Hence my thread in the CPU room, i have been following this for a long time, i knew what was coming just as soon as AMD quit dying.

I also think AMD are better semiconductor engineers than Nvidia. however, Nvidia are better software engineers than AMD, i'm not talking about Driver UI's and features, i'm talking about the really complicated stuff in the back end that makes things work.
IMO Nvidia are about as good as it gets in that, one has to admire their skill, its phenomenal.

AMD will never be as good in RT, in image up scaling, image encode / decode.... AMD are playing to their strengths as best they can but having the most advanced architectural design matters for absolutely nothing at all when because of the software you get what matters to you better from Nvidia.

Sure there is a point at which people will buy the AMD GPU over the Nvidia one, but at $250 6750XT vs $500 3070..... that's not sustainable and the instant AMD do that they will never recover from it because from that moment on its what will be expected from AMD. That's the real problem with that.

Yes i know 7900XT..... i have said many times that was bad, just as bad as Nvidia's 4080 stunt and its right that AMD are called out on it, i hope they never try to pull a stunt like that again.
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I think Nvidia are a very different kettle of fish to Intel, AMD are also in a very different situation now vs pre Ryzen.

AMD cannot best Nvidia, AMD are semiconductor engineers, as are Intel, i am going to upset melmac and he can rant on his own in a dark corner all he likes...... AMD are better semiconductor engineers than Intel, AMD bested Intel by being better.
AMD know this, they always have been better, they just needed a chance to recover. Hence my thread in the CPU room, i have been following this for a long time, i knew what was coming just as soon as AMD quit dying.

I also think AMD are better semiconductor engineers than Nvidia. however, Nvidia are better software engineers than AMD, i'm not talking about Driver UI's and features, i'm talking about the really complicated stuff in the back end that makes things work.
IMO Nvidia are about as good as it gets in that, one has to admire their skill, its phenomenal.

AMD will never be as good in RT, in image up scaling, image encode / decode.... AMD are playing to their strengths as best they can but having the most advanced architectural design matters for absolutely nothing at all when because of the software you get what matters to you better from Nvidia.

Sure there is a point at which people will buy the AMD GPU over the Nvidia one, but at $250 6750XT vs $500 3070..... that's not sustainable and the instant AMD do that they will never recover from it because from that moment on its what will be expected from AMD. That's the real problem with that.

Yes i know 7900XT..... i have said many times that was bad, just as bad as Nvidia's 4080 stunt and its right that AMD are called out on it, i hope they never try to pull a stunt like that again.
Ηοw did you conclude that amd are better engineers? Seriously thats crazy to suggest. Usually they deliver less with more. AMD stands absolutely no chance without TSMC. None whatsoever. They would have gotten eaten alive by Intel if Intel had access to 5nm TSMC and AMD was using Intel's fabs. You know the last time amd didn't have the node advantage they delivered the BULLDOZER. Just saying.

Even their GPUs, they have more of EVERYTHING. Ram ,transistors, bus widths, shaders, yadayadayada. Since we had the same discussion a few days ago, and die size is SO important, the XTX has a 50% bigger die than the 4080, and a 50% bigger bus width, and we can all see the results of that..
More VRAM makes everything better.
Οn the hardware level, sure, nobody denies that. On the software level, big fat nope. A game using more vram sadly doesn't mean it will look better. In fact, going by latest releases, the more vram a game uses, the worse it looks.
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