Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

Well, I'm briefly back up to 50th, but I can't see that lasting long once the rest of you young whippersnappers with keyboard dhiorrea wake up and dump :D

Alan Woodford
I uploaded some yesterday which I think put me in about 35th place which considering I haven't run the key counter for months isn't too bad, I know that will only last until others remember to upload though :)
It actually worked on me :eek:
Sorry I've not been active much and my keycounts have plummeted, just been so busy lately I haven't been around as much. Things should settle into some sort of pattern in a couple of weeks once deadlines are reached, training is completed and erm...things calm down :D
Arggh, just had to reformat my lappy and forgot to svae my clicks - nearly 150k of them :sniffle sniffle not very smiley:

Worse, now I've got it up and running again, the TKC program running seems to prevent me accessing the internet :very weird sort of smiley:
MGP said:
Arggh, just had to reformat my lappy and forgot to svae my clicks - nearly 150k of them :sniffle sniffle not very smiley:

Ouch! :eee-tha's-a-dozy-sod smiley:

Speaking of kliks (tm, of course), think I'd better dump my stash, so messrs skattrd and VDO, you may consider yourselves stomped :so-please-move-over smiley:
lukechad said:
^ What ever happened to your challenge with me mate? You just arent cut out for the big time are you! :Point and laugh smiley:


Didn't think you'd have remembered, to tell the truth; I remember saying something about it a while back and you said that you'd forgotten about it, so I automatically thought that the challenge was off :So how dare you point and laugh smiley:

So I assume the challenge is still on then? Good good - I know you're well ahead of me, but not to worry :Bring it on (again) smiley:

/goes off to see if he can b0rg the checkout tills at work
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