Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

Originally posted by SiDeWInDeR
Has anyone else thought that maybe TKC is a huge set-up and they're not counting our keys, clicks and scrolls but actually recording every single key they could find out our details like banking etc..

It would be one hell of a lot of effort to make the website and program front to do somethinglike that. Having said that though, considering the amount of money they could make if the whole thing is a scam, i guess it isn't so much work. Im half tempted to switch the program off when i check my bank balance in future :unsure smiley:
Originally posted by Crispy Pigeon
No worries, we're all a team! :D

Please don't stomp me. :(
Sorry dude :( Unless you've got a stash it'll be today.

Originally posted by Mad old tory
It would be one hell of a lot of effort to make the website and program front to do somethinglike that. Having said that though, considering the amount of money they could make if the whole thing is a scam, i guess it isn't so much work. Im half tempted to switch the program off when i check my bank balance in future :unsure smiley:
You don't think there'd have been outrage by now if it had a keylogger in it?

Besides, the app isn't big enough to incorporate one.
Mr Beserker, that must have taken some very careful planning to get your current score of 999,999 klicks [TM TheBeansprout]. It'll almost be a shame to see you loose that next time you have a dump!
its getting a bit competitive at the 40 to 30 rank.

been trying to stomp, but as soon as i do, someone else stomps me.

Currently at 38...

Parpage isssued to those at 37 - 30

Username - Caduceus^
Yeah, similar seems to be happening at 9th-5th. Think Berserker has managed to get away from us for the time being.
Originally posted by Concorde Rules
No.. as I have enlisted my Dads PC help :D few thousand more a day ty!

You need to at least double your current output to even keep pace, never mind start catching me :)
Originally posted by Concorde Rules
Eh? - Gaming PC and my Dads PC at his work place, whats wrong with that?

Apparently, everything. Officially:

Permitted Uses of the TKC Client Software, Service, and Centralized Server
Users are permitted to run the TKC software without a user account, but registering an account is encouraged. All users of the TKC service are hereby also permitted to download, install, and run multiple copies of the TKC software provided that only one person uses each copy of the software, and only one person submits statistics to the Centralized Server. Users may also use a single copy of the TKC software among several users, provided that multiple persons do not make use of a single account at any time, regardless of whether or not said mutiple users are using the TKC account concurrently.


Unacceptable Uses of the TKC Client Software, Service, and Centralized Server
Users must use TKC accounts at a one-user-to-account ratio. Multiple persons may not submit statistics under a single account name. Conversely, one person may not submit statistics under multiple account names. Users must refrain from artificially inflating statistics or submitting falsified statistics. Any statistics that are determined by PiQ Software, LLC to be physically impossible or artificially fabricated will be removed from the database without question. Multiple instances of such fabrications will lead to a permanent ban from the TKC service. If an account name, optional user profile, or other information contains profanity or inappropriate language, the owning account will be disabled immediately and the account holder warned via email. Continued use of inappropriate material on the service will lead to a permanent ban from the service.

From here.

So technically you are cheating by spanning one account over two PCs, as it could be deemed that more than one person is contributing to your account :(

But seeing as it's Gilly you're trying to catch... ;) :p
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