Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

Originally posted by Adnams Drinker
Comin' right back at ya ...


37 AdnamsDrinker 138,178
38 Caduceus^ 135,224

Oh well! Been stomped back down to 41st place....

Back to CSS to improve my keystrokes.
Doh, The Tross got me in the end :unhappy smiley:

Ah well time to attempt another restomp me thinks, just off to fire up operation spacehog once more :big klicky grin :
Looks like Berserker is going to have to mess up his nice 999,999 score if Gilly is not to squeeze past.

Meanwhile, I'm going to be away from my computer for a week. Wonder how many will stomp past me in that time. :knows he's a slacker shrugging shoulders smiley:

At least I made it to half a milion klicks [TM TheBeansprout]
Originally posted by Berserker
Must be catching. :p

5 Berserker 1,002,025
6 OcUKGilly 1,000,000

I knew it was never going to last, but still one week longer than expected. :)
Ahem ;)

Originally posted by MGP
This idea of nice round number scores seems to be catching on!
Originally posted by Gilly
IRC has always been dull :o

I'm new to the whole IRC scene and still learning (play a browser based game which needs IRC communication).

I mean, the OcUk channel always has at least 40 people on there and its so quiet, i don't get it.. :/

Oh well, keep up the good work guys, and ladies..we're 44th now :)
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