Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

Originally posted by Concorde Rules
Eh? :( :eek: :confused: - Gaming PC and my Dads PC at his work place, whats wrong with that?
GRR! I'm now going to have to give Gilly credit! Do you know how angry that makes me!! :hehe:

Plonker, I stated it as have others.

:takes away your keyboardS: :muahahahh smiley:
Originally posted by TheTross
Ok, parps and stomps go out to:

Mad old tory

Has been a while since I've last dumped anything TKC-related, but I've been busily typing away to move up the rankings :large winking smiley:

Argh sounds like fighting talk does that!

/me loads up that stupid game again. Me desperate? Errm....
No as on my Dads PC its only on my Account :D Im doing website work atm so it adds up abit, and by looking at thos rules im all okey :)

Edit: If there was a Mac Version I would actually start catching Gilly up :o
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Originally posted by Mad old tory
Argh sounds like fighting talk does that!

/me loads up that stupid game again. Me desperate? Errm....

Looks like i managed to evade you this time good sah, nearly hit 250,000 klicks [TM The Beansprout] too :happy smiley:
We were told at one point you couldn't have it on multiple machines, but I can't find where it says that.

Where'd you get that from Sproutboy?
Originally posted by Section8
its getting a bit competitive at the 40 to 30 rank.

been trying to stomp, but as soon as i do, someone else stomps me.

Currently at 38...

Parpage isssued to those at 37 - 30

Username - Caduceus^
Comin' right back at ya ...


37 AdnamsDrinker 138,178
38 Caduceus^ 135,224

Users are permitted to run the TKC software without a user account, but registering an account is encouraged. All users of the TKC service are hereby also permitted to download, install, and run multiple copies of the TKC software provided that only one person uses each copy of the software, and only one person submits statistics to the Centralized Server.

I am operating within those rules, I am submitting my clicks etc only :) Unless those rules are wrong.. :)
Originally posted by Concorde Rules
I am operating within those rules, I am submitting my clicks etc only :) Unless those rules are wrong.. :)
I didn't realise you were sproutboy. My post wasn't aimed at you.
Here's the simplified rules, in case anyone still doesn't get it: :)

  1. One human being using one account
Not allowed:
  1. Two or more human beings sharing one account
  2. One human being using two or more accounts
At no point does the number of computers enter the equation. :)

I do not claim to know the rules regarding cats, dogs, or any other animal. :p
Originally posted by Gilly
We were told at one point you couldn't have it on multiple machines, but I can't find where it says that.

Where'd you get that from Sproutboy?
Berserker's post above clarifies it better than my geeky ways ever could:o:)

But fear not, I'm keeping within the rules..although, I might have to change back TheBeansprout2 to TheBeansprout if you get too close to me, Gillyboy :p

I'm kidding, just trying to scare you of course. Miaow.:p
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