Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

Good news, although rather scarily, we need to more htan double our current total to reach the 1st page :scary:

Still only another couple of million from page 2

H'onwards and H'upwards as they say :huge grin:
Think about it though, in one month we've quadrupled our keypresses, so if we can keep gaining new members.....I reckon that even if we don't get any new members we'll be pretty close to the top of the 2nd page come the new year :happy smiley:

We need to sign up all our friends, people who use IRC a lot, anyone and everyone! Don't stop yet! :we're-gonna-take-over-the-world smiley:
Originally posted by TheBeansprout
Think about it though, in one month we've quadrupled our keypresses, so if we can keep gaining new members.....I reckon that even if we don't get any new members we'll be pretty close to the top of the 2nd page come the new year :happy smiley:

We need to sign up all our friends, people who use IRC a lot, anyone and everyone! Don't stop yet! :we're-gonna-take-over-the-world smiley:

Goodgood, i wasn't sure how fast our output was growing at the moment to be honest with you. Sounds good to me if we have recently quadrupled our output, we'll be zooming up the ranks like nobody's business. Let's hope we all keep typing like mad then :big grin:
I have a few essay deadlines coming up early January so you can count on a fair bit of typing from me :D
Originally posted by Haly
I have a few essay deadlines coming up early January so you can count on a fair bit of typing from me :D

This is my problem :(, i was doing Politics essays every week before the summer, but now i've left school, i got nothing to do on the computer except post on these forums and play the odd game :p
i have the same problem. When i was working for a previous agency, i had much free time, often a whole week or more with no work. thus i have a multitude of contacts on MSN etc who i used to chat to regularly. most of the day if i wasn't working in fact. Now I'm working for a new agency, in a full time position which is temp for now but if they remain happy with me, permanent. I have little free time. things i used to do anyway other than chat/game/post are now rapidly becoming the only things i do, like seeing my gf, going clubbing, pubbing, going out to buy stuff i need (this is new, i have £ now :D) etc, so i dont have much time for typing.. SUX

BUT, i do get in some good klicks still :shiney smiley happy smiling smiley:
So find other things to do then, numpties :D

I'm really only answering cos of the number the 'thread replies' was on :o
Why do you think i keep posting in this thread :p, i thought i'd create a blog on blogspot, serves a dual purpose in that i get lots of clicks and my mates (yes i have some :eek::p) whove gone to uni can see how dull my life still here in chelt is :D
Originally posted by Gilly
So find other things to do then, numpties :D

I'm really only answering cos of the number the 'thread replies' was on :o

Forums, coding, blog, chatting to people on MSN,'s the coding that really adds the keys :D Had 40k the other day just because I spent a few hours fiddling with site and a vb program hehe.
Whoot back up to 26th, I'm catching you by the looks of thigns Haly :big grin: (this is where i get megastomped again and go back down to 30th place :unhappy smiley: )
Originally posted by Mad old tory
Whoot back up to 26th, I'm catching you by the looks of thigns Haly :big grin: (this is where i get megastomped again and go back down to 30th place :unhappy smiley: )

I'm submitting my dump for the day just before I go to bed ;) :D
Originally posted by Mad old tory
Hmm, well i might be able to stomp you again tonight, but no doubt you'll go and restomp me again :( I'm gonna have start using MSN a lot more I think.

Yeah I haven't submitted for the day yet ;) Current estimates I'm thinking I'll hit 22nd ish :D
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