Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

hehe had a usability lecture recently about how most of the systems designed for the NHS appear to have been designed without anyone ever visiting the hospital staff to actually see how they work :rolleyes:
Originally posted by RobOC
Yeah that seems the current trend unfortunately!
IT job market is better than it was not so long back.

As for FJS, the company I work for doesn't compete directly against them, but does compete against some Fujitsu products (and does very well at it). :)
Originally posted by RobOC
hehe had a usability lecture recently about how most of the systems designed for the NHS appear to have been designed without anyone ever visiting the hospital staff to actually see how they work :rolleyes:
Yup. There was a great Bremner Bird and Fortune sketch, interviewing a government minister:

"So, how will the new software help out doctors?"
"Well, you see, normally you go to the doctor and book an appointment.."
"uh huh..."
"...and of course you'd have to wait 3 weeks, only to be told you can't have it."
"Indeed. So...the new system?"
"The new system is far superior! A patient can go to the surgery, ask for an appointment and, almost instantaneously - the system will tell you you can't have it! Remarkable!"

Fantastic sketch...and it's so true.

This powerpoint is hilarious if you're into NHS-humour :)
Originally posted by TheBeansprout
Never mess with anyone involved in your health system :p
Never argue with someone capable of shutting you up permanently ;)

[edit]Oh, and who can also edit your own responses :p

I've no idea where "XD" came from, but a friend and myself use it in our conversations, quite possibly a higher-class more hysterical version of "lol". Either way, for me and many other IRC buddies it's a replacement for complete bellows of laughter :eek: :)

Edit: Oh, and never mess with someone who can RTM you :p *ding ding ding*
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never mess with who can drink a half pint of bourbon and still spell large words like Expedition, Decapitation, Versatile, and TOAST

Finally reached 2m k/strokes! :D

Yes, I will soon be passed by TheDogFather and Gilly, which won't be nice, but hey, all for the team n that. ;)
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