Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

Hmm my totals have been rather drastic over the past few days, ok even more drastic than before then :unhappy smiley:

Gonna have to write some more blog entries and do some Msning i think :big grin:
Originally posted by SiDeWInDeR
I expect to drop a few places with many people catching me up, including one furious typing CS lady ;)

Pfft at least we're now 35th!

You should be ok for a bit :p Was out all day yesterday which drastically reduced my input and today my new pc arrived (:D) so been busy sorting out things for that which involves surprisingly little typing :o
i'm bowing out of all challenges. Since i started working full time, i just dont have the time to maintain the sheer amount of strokes i was (70-130k/day). I still make some decent klicks but TBH not enough to maintain a top 3 position.. i'll aim to stay in the top ten, OcUK will get all my klicks.. just wont be as many..
Originally posted by lazerblade
i'm bowing out of all challenges. Since i started working full time, i just dont have the time to maintain the sheer amount of strokes i was (70-130k/day). I still make some decent klicks but TBH not enough to maintain a top 3 position

Aren't you in 6th atm anyway? :confused:
Originally posted by Gilly
I predict I'll have number 2 before DogFather does :p


Rank User Name Keys Clicks Scrolls Submissions Last Submission

1 TheBeansprout 3,791,263
2 TheDogFather 2,028,573
3 Pix 2,028,293 989,325
4 OcUKGilly 1,944,793
5 Crispy Pigeon 1,449,549
6 omgmykeyboardsonfire 1,359,042

Originally posted by TheDogFather

Rank User Name Keys Clicks Scrolls Submissions Last Submission

1 TheBeansprout 3,791,263
2 TheDogFather 2,028,573
3 Pix 2,028,293 989,325
4 OcUKGilly 1,944,793
5 Crispy Pigeon 1,449,549
6 omgmykeyboardsonfire 1,359,042



Its your own fault for selling yourself short! You said you wouldn't catch him til Thursday and I knew I'd overtake him today :p
And back up to 2nd I go! :p

1 TheBeansprout 3,791,263
2 Pix 2,029,061
3 TheDogFather 2,028,573
4 OcUKGilly 1,944,793
5 Crispy Pigeon 1,449,549
Last edited:
Originally posted by SiDeWInDeR
We're 34th and i'm about to go parped by Haly..pfft i like her therefore its okay :o

Yup you will be by the end of the day :D
And apologises for not being around when you pmed me earlier, was mainly CSing :o
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