Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

Originally posted by TheTross
lol, you must be the only person ever to actually look forward to having to do more essays. Weirdo :p :D


Well..all goes towards the team and if i recall correctly, we are now 38th. Interestingly, we've only ever been taken over during the fight for 40th and even then, it was only once and by a few thousand.

Keep it up guys. . . and ladies ;)
I'm going away over Christmas :(

But, rest assured, I've got a computing project which I'm doing now, plus lots of other stuff, so hopefully that'll average out my absence :D
Originally posted by SiDeWInDeR
Beany we'll miss you but don't worry..we'll keep Gilly occupied so he doesn't type so much while you're gone ;)

We going to keep him occupied in rl then? :eek: Otherwise he'll type even more :p
Originally posted by SiDeWInDeR
Beany we'll miss you but don't worry..we'll keep Gilly occupied so he doesn't type so much while you're gone ;)

[Burns] Excellent... [/Burns]

I'll probably also borg my girlfriend's PC for the team, that'll shoot us up the amount we chat :D
I spacebar must spacebar type spacebar more spacebar as spacebar my spacebar postition spacebar is spacebar under spacebar threat full stop. -_-
Bwahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ajhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahh ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahsahsahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahh ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah Hhaahahahahahha

:complete with the typographical errors:
Correct, we are doing very well..Beany, i would do that but i am tired and i have school tommorow........................and i HAVE to keep on typing, sigh, Haly also types too much, plus have you seen how much Gilly submits per day?

Gilly, where do you work/what do you do?
Just at home, but I don't do any work for FJS at home.

TheDogFather is out-typing me atm.
I haven't typed much today sadly :( Took a break from doing any kind of coding as well as any Uni work for the day which has left me with only 25k or so to submit probably. CS just doesn't increase the keystrokes enough :o
Originally posted by Berserker
Think I'd better get typing again. Can't have a competitor taking all the honours. :eek: :)
Any competitor of FJS is going to get beaten anyway ;) There'll only be IBM can compete very soon :)
lol with all these large computing reps around I could tout for a job. Will be finishing a computing MSc in Sept, any jobs going? :D :D :D
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Originally posted by Berserker
None in the UK. :(

Yeah that seems the current trend unfortunately!

Wasn't that way when I started out :rolleyes:

Oh well, I do it for the enjoyment not the job prospects :D
*keep telling yourself that*
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