Just cold Milk. Never thought of putting hot milk on it.
Try it once, it really unlocks flavour.
Anything that doesn’t require proper cooking, like a full English.
Thing like cereals, oats, breads, bars.
Smoothie. Buy a Nultri bullet ninja off Amazon and you're good to go with basic ingredients you may already have around the house.
My smoothies are nearly 1000 calories per smoothie and are all good quality calories too. This is what I have on days when I don't want to cook but can quickly hash up a meal's worth in smoothie form:
2 tablespoons of 100% natural peanut butter
2 tablespoons of berry/nut mix granola
1 tablespoon of chia seeds
1 tablespoon of flax seeds
1 banana (or chop up any other fruit you like)
1 tablespoon of organic Spirulina powder
1 tablespoon of pure MCT oil
300ml of milk
That will be around 1000 calories and keeps my belly full until the next meal so no need for dirty snacks in-between. The MCT oil has immediate energy and cognitive benefits as well as being absorbed immediately by the body for burning fat cells as fuel which is useful for those who want/need to eat many calories, but also want to control bodyfat.