Do you agree, something massive is about to happen ?

Have a :rolleyes: back and how about you make it clear what on earth you are replying too? Who said there isn't a difference between a self fulfilling prophecy and an actual one? I sure as hell didn't. :confused:

Let me paraphrase your last conclusion:

"Watch Isreal, things are going to happen - the bible says so."

I'd hope that clarifies things but from your knee-jerk it's pretty evident you already knew pretty damn well that was aimed at you.

If things happen in that region, it's not going to be down to any action of any God or prophecy. It's down to people causing circumstance through their own deliberate action - that is, because they want it to.
Let me paraphrase your last conclusion:

"Watch Isreal, things are going to happen - the bible says so."

I'd hope that clarifies things but from your knee-jerk it's pretty evident you already knew pretty damn well that was aimed at you.

If things happen in that region, it's not going to be down to any action of any God or prophecy. It's down to people causing circumstance through their own deliberate action - that is, because they want it to.

Actually I don't know if the Bible says so, I am not a christian and although I have read parts of the Bible I can't say I have read it all.

Things that were prophecised over 1400 yrs ago, and which are all in motion and occuring in this age (some have and some haven't yet), I would call that a prophecy in my books. Maybe to you it isn't but to me it certainly is, and some were due to the actions of people and some weren't.

TBH, a world wide collapse would be good, then just maybe the world can start over fresh all over again and learn from it's mistakes...

I do believe that God is able to prevent things from happening but the thing is, if God has prevented x and y from happening for whatever reason, you will never know about that so never comment on it.

God can not interfere, he can not make you better or intervene. To do so would to take away free will and the consequence of that. Until the 2nd coming you are on your own.
It's happened !!!
Frank did Two craps on his walk this morning. :eek: Normally he would just do the one but for some strange reason he did Two. Shocked the **** out of me.
O well at least we can get back to defcon 1 now.
I believe that we as human beings are limited in our understanding, I mean we find it difficult to comprehend the vastness of the universe etc, so how can we possibly fully understand the Creator?

I do believe that God is able to prevent things from happening but the thing is, if God has prevented x and y from happening for whatever reason, you will never know about that so never comment on it. Don't get me wrong, bad/evil/sick things do happen but I don't believe they are going unseen. Everything is being recorded (according to the Islamic belief) and everything will be brought forth on a day which God has promised, on that day nothing will be hidden. Those who suffered will get what they have earned as will those who made others suffer.

This life in comparison to the next (again from the Islamic pov) is like a blink of the eye, so much so that any soul who suffered here would happily live (and suffer) this life 10 times over after having just seen the life that is waiting for them.

If based on your own life experiences and using your own judgement, you come to the conclusion that God doesn't exist then I won't argue with you, everyone will only have to account for themself but one thing I do believe is that, when everything you have ever done is brought forward in front of you, those who's final abode is hell will only blame themselves and will eternally regret it. But by no means will anyone be wronged.

Sorry for taking this off topic but yeah, is something massive about to happen, just keep your eyes on Israel! Any future war will be to protect and arm and expand Israel.

God knows best. (If you don't believe in God pls don't quote this again!:p)

Amazing how all those who hold beliefs contrary to your religion can't understand god yet you and your religion does so implicitly.
God can not interfere, he can not make you better or intervene. To do so would to take away free will and the consequence of that. Until the 2nd coming you are on your own.
I prefer this argument:
"Now it is such a bizarrely improbably coincidence that anything so mindbogglingly useful [the Babel fish] could have evolved by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as a final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God.
The argument goes something like this: "I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED."
"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic."
(Douglas Adams / 1952-2001 / The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
I would also love a Zombie apocalypse.

In fact we should set out an OcUK meeting point should such a thing ever happen, those of us who play L4D will know the score, the rest of you can carry ammo and medpacks.

*cocks shotgun*
zombie apocolypse, that's what I'm hoping for anyway, more fun than nukes. As long as they're the slow ones, running ones would freak me out too much

"When hell is full the dead will walk the earth....." I always remember that quote but cant remember the film lol. The newer zombie films make the zombies much harder then the old school slow ones. We all know if the zombie apocolypse happens we want the old ones lol.

God talk aways goes over the top in here sometimes calm down people :p
I would also love a Zombie apocalypse.

In fact we should set out an OcUK meeting point should such a thing ever happen, those of us who play L4D will know the score, the rest of you can carry ammo and medpacks.

*cocks shotgun*

Amazing how all those who hold beliefs contrary to your religion can't understand god yet you and your religion does so implicitly.

Study the religion and make up your own mind, this is what I have done, this is what made the most sense to me, this is why I chose Islam as my religion.
Study the religion and make up your own mind, this is what I have done, this is what made the most sense to me, this is why I chose Islam as my religion.

Creations of a malevolent god to keep people fighting and keep things in his own little ant farm interesting.;)
Upon reflection,

I think there is something going on with the womenfolk of the world. Maybe they are being re-called so have to end all relationships to go and get their firmware re-installed.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if I woke up one day and they were all gone!
Upon reflection,

I think there is something going on with the womenfolk of the world. Maybe they are being re-called so have to end all relationships to go and get their firmware re-installed.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if I woke up one day and they were all gone!

anyone seen Doghouse yet? Have it on pre-order, maybe it is a sign of things to come?
the US economy is already our of recession so i dont think that something big is about to happen.

When oil price reach 200$ per barrel then we will face something very serious
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