Do you manscape?

I have alopecia totalis, it’s a lot better than it was, but it’s trim enough down there that I don’t need to bother. Mrs likes a bit of roughage, she thinks too tight a trim looks weird. Just go over my head and face with a grade four every couple of days.

If you have a man jungle I think it’s bloody gross not to at least trim it a bit.

The turn around on this forum is quite indicative of the times. It wasn’t that long ago that a thread about shaving your joyberries, or even using moisturiser, would have illicited only responses about being “gay” or a “metro”! :D
The turn around on this forum is quite indicative of the times. It wasn’t that long ago that a thread about shaving your joyberries, or even using moisturiser, would have illicited only responses about being “gay” or a “metro”! :D

I blame the adult entertainment industry.

It's hard to argue that the dude on the screen is gay for being trimmed when he is smashing hot pasty on a casting session
I blame the adult entertainment industry.

It's hard to argue that the dude on the screen is gay for being trimmed when he is smashing hot pasty on a casting session

I think you’re paying far too much attention to the state of said man’s package ;)

Being serious you might be right. I can’t recall what the ‘trend’ was back then. I haven’t seen them moisturising though, joyberries or face :p
Absolutely not. Long live the 70s!

I’m not sure that a modern woman would like manscaping from the 70s.

The 1970s are the poor relations, to be lampooned and despised - the era of Edward Heath, the decade of the donkey jacket, the age of the Austin Allegro.

When they flash up on our screens, we see lurid wallpaper, silly hairstyles and burly men warming their hands around braziers. Who would ever want to commemorate all that?

Look at any photograph from the mid-1970s, and you can often see people wearing clothes that would have been at the cutting edge of fashion in 1958.

From the BBC :p
Wouldn't like a massive wild shrub on the gf so only fair I partake too.

Usually just a trim though. Never shaved.
Thus ends up a neatly trimmed lawn not the Sahara desert

Luckily not that hairy anywhere else (except legs) so no need to go anywhere else

Love the thread tags. Having a dull day at work, so it helps! :p
I don't get the seeming increased fascination of the <20 or so males that completely shave everywhere - legs and arms and everything though.
Is that not something to do with going faster on their skateboards... or so they can get into those extra-tight Skinny-girl-fit hipster jeans?

It wasn’t that long ago that a thread about shaving your joyberries, or even using moisturiser, would have illicited only responses about being “gay” or a “metro”! :D
Last week, wasn't it?
Seriously, moisturiser??!!
Unless you have eczema... If it ain't Swarfega or Whiskey & Water soap (Noble Isle, great stuff), then it probably is for girls!!

I’m not sure that a modern woman would like manscaping from the 70s.
I'm not sure she'd get the choice... She'll take it and she'll like it, no? :D
She might get to quietly raise concerns over how much Brut you're using, but that's about it.
Give it a tidy up once a month.

Used to be pretty gung ho about it and give it a quick buzz with the clippers in the shower until a slight slip resulted in me nearly loosing a nut and what seemed like several pints of blood. Now im a bit more careful. :eek:

Last week, wasn't it?
Seriously, moisturiser??!!
Unless you have eczema... If it ain't Swarfega or Whiskey & Water soap (Noble Isle, great stuff), then it probably is for girls!!
I wash my face with facewash twice a day
Moisturise 3 times a day
Face scrub once a day
Use beard balm

My products say for MEN on them so i'm still manly ok?!

This is all because of how bad my skin was as a teenager and iv'e just kept it up ever since.

Looks like the fun police deleted the tags.

Whaaaaat?!?! Why would they do that :(

I wash my face with facewash twice a day
Moisturise 3 times a day
Face scrub once a day
Use beard balm

My products say for MEN on them so i'm still manly ok?!

This is all because of how bad my skin was as a teenager and iv'e just kept it up ever since.

I wash my face in the morning in the shower and clean it at night with cotton pad and clearasil, but that's about it - moisturising too? That's some dedication right there!
I wash my face with facewash twice a day
Moisturise 3 times a day
Face scrub once a day
Use beard balm

My products say for MEN on them so i'm still manly ok?!

This is all because of how bad my skin was as a teenager and iv'e just kept it up ever since.

Top tip don't use soap on your face, it screws it up.

I have not used soap on my face for over 20 years, warm water and a flannel works a treat. ;)
ISeriously, moisturiser??!!
Unless you have eczema... If it ain't Swarfega or Whiskey & Water soap (Noble Isle, great stuff), then it probably is for girls!!
I'm going to confess I was using moisturiser on my face long before the term 'metrosexual' was even invented - I don't have eczema or anything like that, but I cannot stand having dry or flaky skin on my face.

I'll give the pubes a quick trim every now and then, but not in any way obsessive about it - don't fancy the idea of my nether regions looking positively pre-pubescent. As long as she isn't packing the kind of thatch that requires the use of a machete, not really that fussed on women either. Noticed in the last couple of years I've started to get a few grey pubes - another sign of impending old fart-ness ...

Soon-to-be ex-wife always used to take the mickey out of the rather sad patch of chest hair I had when we first got together (covered my breastbone and that was about it), and was much more appreciative when it reached something approaching normal levels over the course of the last 26 years, so I ain't going to mess with it ...

Shaving my face is an utter chore and I try and only do it once a week if I can get away with it - attempted to grow a full beard once but I decided I looked like a tramp and her indoors complained that it felt prickly.

My attitude is that nature most likely gave us body hair at least for some functional reason, so other than shaving my face, a haircut once a month and the aforementioned quick trim 'downstairs', I let things be ...
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