Do you save games until you can run them at Max ?

Why would I want everything to look blurry?

Because DoF is 'cinematic' and some gamers (and a lot of creative directors) like that - as cinematographer, it comes with the territory and I happen to quite like it when it's well utilized in games (i.e. in service of the visual storytelling).

It's pretty rare that I turn off any effects in a game for the same reasons I don't watch movies in cropped 4:3 aspect ratio any more - I'm interested in seeing what the creators intended for their game.

I only upgraded my 970 last year as I upgraded to 1440p and it wasn't good enough for med/high settings any more. It's nice to be able to smash the sliders to max now but I'm quite happy to drop settings down if need be.
Because DoF is 'cinematic' and some gamers (and a lot of creative directors) like that - as cinematographer, it comes with the territory and I happen to quite like it when it's well utilized in games (i.e. in service of the visual storytelling).

It's pretty rare that I turn off any effects in a game for the same reasons I don't watch movies in cropped 4:3 aspect ratio any more - I'm interested in seeing what the creators intended for their game.

I think it works better on consoles, further back from the screen.
Nah, I'm content with "high" settings. Ultra is nice for pixel peeping but often can't tell too much difference between high and max.
Nope, play games with whatever settings work, I just don't buy games if I don't think my system can cope with them, it's always nice to go back and replay stuff with all the settings cranked up a few years later though :)
Nope - also quite a graphics settings, at max or ultra will add demands to the hardware requirement, but make hardly any noticable impact on what the game actualy looks like.
Might as well not bother buying any games if I did that.

I do reinstall older games when the mood takes, always interesting to see the change in graphics from when I originally purchased them
I almost never max game setting, first thing I do is turn shadows to low/medium. I prefer smooth game play @ 60Hz synced to all the bling. Even if I can max things out I don't bother as the last few setting don't make much difference most of the time.
No way - although my backlog is so horrendously long that I do tend to pick off the games that will give a decent frame rate on my ancient gfx card and save those that will be almost unplayable until I can secure a card that will run them well. A decent frame rate matters more to me than that last piece of detail.
As the title suggests I have around 20 games to play due to the fact that I can't play them on max settings (currently 1080p), in my mind how they were meant to be played.. anyone else the same ?

Is it a curse or a blessing ??

One of the main advantages of PC gaming is that you can turn selected settings down based on your preferences. If all we did was turn them all up to max, then why not just buy a console.
lol never

i even played ac origins at 720p lowest textures and 24-30 fps. i simply had no means of having a better hardware and never invested in a console

nothing can't stop me from enjoying a game i really want to play at that moment

when cyberpunk pushed my frames to 35-40 with my gtx 1080 at high-ultra settings, i optimized and locked it to 40 fps and vrr screen made it smooth enough for me to enjoy. i never expected or waited to play that game on a better hardware

i can sacrifice frames for higher fidelity, that's why i invested VRR when it was first announced that freesync screen support for nv gpus. can't go back ever since
No, I have never or ever will play a game based on how pretty it looks. I guess some do but each to their own. Games have not got better because of pretty graphics.
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