Yup No matter what they have it will sale in low numbers compared to NV. If iw as amd id aim at sub 450 pound cards. They tried with Overclockers dream Fury X and Volta killer Vega. And we all know how it went for them.Most people only want AMD to do well in GPU space so as to lower Nvidia prices, soon it will be to lower Intel & Nvidia prices lol, AMD will be blamed for both high Intel and Nvidia GPU prices..
In the CPU space people are switching to AMD or just sticking with over priced Intel, as AMD lowering the price bracket there has made a few people switch but there are still many who won't touch them.
Whatever AMD do they wont win, they are better off focusing on one segment and really going for it there imho
I honestly think AMD should sell off their GPU wing when Intel enter the market, or just focus on the low end of the market.
Bit definitely they should carry on making console chips.
If You want some of that High end high margin pie... you need to deliver High performance not just AS GOOD. Ass good is not Good enough !!