Do you trust the mainstream media?

22 Nov 2006
But we have a national minimum wage?

Or are you now saying skilled migrant workers are willing to ask for less money to do the same job as a British citizen?

We have a minimum wage, yet businesses keep getting pulled up for not paying it and nothing really gets done about it.

For skilled workers it's a different experience. An employer needs the skills so are willing to pay for it. But someone picking fruit in a field is expendable and easily replaced.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
But we have a national minimum wage?

Or are you now saying skilled migrant workers are willing to ask for less money to do the same job as a British citizen?

Easy to get around, provide accommodation and take it out of their wages, a couple of hundred of them crammed into a few 5 bed houses take £70 a week off each of them for that accommodation and you can line your pockets nicely.
27 Jan 2009
It it misleading if it's "The upper end" of their estimate?

I don't trust 'rough estimates' from the goverment in areas where they have provided wildly incorrect estimates in the past and where they have an active interest to downplay the actual figure to show that they are effectively controlling immigration when they are not. It quite ironic that you apparently trust such dubious figures in a thread essentially about media bias

I like to play Bingo with your posts, I got a full line with MSM, feminism, socialism and Marxism.

I was responding to posts that already mentioned socialism, MSN (it's the threads main theme) and feminism.

I merely added marxism to the tally so not a great achievement for your score card.
12 Mar 2006
In The Sea Of Leveraged Liquidity
But we have a national minimum wage?

Yeah, we have corporation tax as well, doesn't stop massive companies from bending the rules. They do it frequently and on a large scale. Mass open door immigration isn't good for the citizens of that particular country, its fine to a point but it escalates out of control pretty quickly as well. It's not fair on countries where mass immigration comes from as well, take Romania for example, you have a pretty large chunk of university educated people moving from Romania to the UK to work low skilled jobs. What we should be doing as a global world is lifting up other countries standard of living, do you think all these people want to leave home? If they could be paid a similar wage at home, a large majority wouldn't leave their families to do so.
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Another thing that a lot of Ivory Tower Socialists just don't understand is why Trump is so popular, they really don't get it because, during his election lefties went on the attack, they thought the best way to get Hillary in was to attack Trump.
During this Trump actually gained popularity, the more extreme they got with their rhetoric the more popular he became.

Now, instead of realising this they now double down on exactly what got him elected, their swivel eye'd insanity, in the last 2 years they just keep getting more and more unhinged.
In this last month they have taken to using the Kids in Cages thing (Which was started under the Clinton's and continued under Obama) to compare him with Hitler, calling for trump aides to be harassed, one or two even calling for his under 10 years old grand kids to be harassed at school, because you know when you're a Nazi anything goes....

So at the end of all this insanity Trumps approval ratings go from 42% to 43%, his approval rating among Hispanics goes up 10 points.

Why do you think all this is?
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Another thing that a lot of Ivory Tower Socialists just don't understand is why Trump is so popular, they really don't get it because, during his election lefties went on the attack, they thought the best way to get Hillary in was to attack Trump.
During this Trump actually gained popularity, the more extreme they got with their rhetoric the more popular he became.

Now, instead of realising this they now double down on exactly what got him elected, their swivel eye'd insanity, in the last 2 years they just keep getting more and more unhinged.
In this last month they have taken to using the Kids in Cages thing (Which was started under the Clinton's and continued under Obama) to compare him with Hitler, calling for trump aides to be harassed, one or two even calling for his under 10 years old grand kids to be harassed at school, because you know when you're a Nazi anything goes....

So at the end of all this insanity Trumps approval ratings go from 42% to 43%, his approval rating among Hispanics goes up 10 points.

Why do you think all this is?

Wrong video... this is the video i was meant to post, and yes i think its almost perversely hilarious.

12 Mar 2006
In The Sea Of Leveraged Liquidity
Another thing that a lot of Ivory Tower Socialists just don't understand is why Trump is so popular, they really don't get it because, during his election lefties went on the attack, they thought the best way to get Hillary in was to attack Trump.
During this Trump actually gained popularity, the more extreme they got with their rhetoric the more popular he became.

Now, instead of realising this they now double down on exactly what got him elected, their swivel eye'd insanity, in the last 2 years they just keep getting more and more unhinged.
In this last month they have taken to using the Kids in Cages thing (Which was started under the Clinton's and continued under Obama) to compare him with Hitler, calling for trump aides to be harassed, one or two even calling for his under 10 years old grand kids to be harassed at school, because you know when you're a Nazi anything goes....

So at the end of all this insanity Trumps approval ratings go from 42% to 43%, his approval rating among Hispanics goes up 10 points.

Why do you think all this is?

Quite, I thought it was hilarious that his approval rating went up amongst Hispanics by 10 points during that whole ordeal.

The democrats really need to rethink things, its not going well at the moment, they have no ammo but to drum up false outrage over stuff. It's creating an environment where people are just numb to it, when something credible emerges, which should be criticised, you'll just have a democrats crying wolf scenario. No one will take notice.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Quite, I thought it was hilarious that his approval rating went up amongst Hispanics by 10 points during that whole ordeal.

The democrats really need to rethink things, its not going well at the moment, they have no ammo but to drum up false outrage over stuff. It's creating an environment where people are just numb to it, when something credible emerges, which should be criticised, you'll just have a democrats crying wolf scenario. No one will take notice.

The Environment they are creating is worse than that.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won on some radical policies, by radical i mean No prisons, No Capitalism, No Boarders.... their insane reaction to Trump is electing in Marxist political activists from failed socialists states and if they keep it up they will pay a very heavy price, you know, they will not stop untill they have made themselves completely unelectable.
13 Nov 2013
Another thing that a lot of Ivory Tower Socialists just don't understand is why Trump is so popular, they really don't get it because, during his election lefties went on the attack, they thought the best way to get Hillary in was to attack Trump.
During this Trump actually gained popularity, the more extreme they got with their rhetoric the more popular he became.

Now, instead of realising this they now double down on exactly what got him elected, their swivel eye'd insanity, in the last 2 years they just keep getting more and more unhinged.
In this last month they have taken to using the Kids in Cages thing (Which was started under the Clinton's and continued under Obama) to compare him with Hitler, calling for trump aides to be harassed, one or two even calling for his under 10 years old grand kids to be harassed at school, because you know when you're a Nazi anything goes....

So at the end of all this insanity Trumps approval ratings go from 42% to 43%, his approval rating among Hispanics goes up 10 points.

Why do you think all this is?

Quite, I thought it was hilarious that his approval rating went up amongst Hispanics by 10 points during that whole ordeal.

The democrats really need to rethink things, its not going well at the moment, they have no ammo but to drum up false outrage over stuff. It's creating an environment where people are just numb to it, when something credible emerges, which should be criticised, you'll just have a democrats crying wolf scenario. No one will take notice.

So let me get this straight... You think Donald Trump's popularity is explained by George Clooney or Robert De Niro cursing at him and calling for this and that? Or that these Ivory Tower Socialists dictate the direction of the Democract Party? To be fair, your ridiculous ideas shouldn't surprise me given your political views.

Trump's popularity has one main component: he is a symbol of the counterculture that has been spreading the Western World. This counterculture, let's call it the alt-right, mainly consists of frustrated members of our society who feel they have been drawing the short stick during the past 3 or even 4 decades. The frustration of the US conservatives originates from losing the race war, the gender equality war, the abortion war etc. The frustration of the racists and the xenophobes originates from being pushed to the fringe of society. The blue collar workers are frustrated because the modern economies have transitioned from manufacturing jobs that required little/no education or expertise to services jobs in which education and expertise are crucial to get ahead. There's quite a bit of frustration among Millennials, mostly men, particularly some gamers, cryptocurrency enthusiasts and other groups. Some can't find satisfying jobs, others can't find partners (Incels) but whatever the reason it's easier to blame an abstract entity such as "PC culture" or immigrants than to fix your issues. Many of these people have always existed but, until 20-30 years ago, they would vent by getting drunk or getting into a fight at the pub whereas now they can find like-minded people online and vent in ways that have a much higher impact (4chan, trolling, spreading of fake news). Ironically, in the Muslim world, the people who are blowing themselves up share many similarities with this last group.

This is what Trump represents, a coalition of losers (some literal, some metaphorical) and this is why the attacks don't hurt his popularity. It doesn't matter what Trump does or says, as long as he continues to be their symbol, they will back him no matter what, they feel they have no alternative.

As for trusting "mainstream media", whatever that may be, tell me exactly who you trust and I will tell you who you are.
30 Jul 2013
In this last month they have taken to using the Kids in Cages thing (Which was started under the Clinton's and continued under Obama)

This is about the MSM reporting the truth and you aren't being honest yourself.

Whilst it's true that unaccompanied minors were previously held in detention centers under Obama, the difference is that under Trump they were forcibly removing them from their parents at the border.
13 Nov 2013
The Environment they are creating is worse than that.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won on some radical policies, by radical i mean No prisons, No Capitalism, No Boarders.... their insane reaction to Trump is electing in Marxist political activists from failed socialists states and if they keep it up they will pay a very heavy price, you know, they will not stop untill they have made themselves completely unelectable.

Do you consider the existance of the NHS a radical policy?
5 Dec 2006
The saddest thing I have ever seen on any News outlet is that little thing at the bottom of BBC News which says "Why you can trust the BBC". :D

Yeah trust them to spark a terrorist attack more like. I still remember when the World Cup was about to start and they decided to create a special terrorism propaganda piece; basically they had propaganda looking videotape of some Russians holding guns to some bearded Muslim types and treating them rough etc, and then followed the video by saying something like "Russia really doesn't want a terrorist attack right now is the worst time for russia to have a terrorist attack".

How disgusting. I mean here we are waiting for the launch of a world sporting event which should be shrouded with expressions of peace, while the BBC is playing propaganda style video tapes of muslims being roughed up under the scopes of russian guns, to keep people riled up. How utterly despicable.

Also back when the Manchester bombings happened they had that "terror expert" on two different occasions, who was doing nothing but promoting terror and telling people that they never have to contact ISIS, even once, to perform terror attacks for them, and that they can just do an attack with out any contact, and if it's "ISIS Style" they will automatically make it look like ISIS was responsible without any contact. Utter disgrace.
9 Aug 2009
I don't trust them at all because they aren't trustworthy. They intentionally set out to mislead people, to push their own political views. That isn't news/journalism, it's media/propaganda, just like any other clickbait garbage.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Do you consider the existance of the NHS a radical policy?

Your other post is more complex i may get back to it when i have more time, to answer this i would ask you do you think there is a difference between not having boarders or prisons and universal healthcare? I'm very careful not to say free healthcare, it is not free, we pay for it through taxes.

There are not many so extreme that they disagree with anything socialist, i'm certainly not one of them, no i don't think the NHS is radical, i think its pragmatic.
13 Nov 2013
Your other post is more complex i may get back to it when i have more time, to answer this i would ask you do you think there is a difference between not having boarders or prisons and universal healthcare? I'm very careful not to say free healthcare, it is not free, we pay for it through taxes.

There are not many so extreme that they disagree with anything socialist, i'm certainly not one of them, no i don't think the NHS is radical, i think its pragmatic.

I haven't found anything related to immigration other than a position against ICE, which does not imply "open borders" or whatever it is that you read on Brietbart regarding her position.

What I did find was:
Medicare For All - almost all advanced economies do this
Increasing minimum wage to $15 - almost all advanced economies have this
Reforming campaign finance laws - reasonable, given the weight of big money in the US
Guaranteeing affordable housing as a human right - both Britain and Germany have extensive legislation on this matter and the trend is in the same direction
All public colleges tuition-free - Germany does this, Britain does it partially with cheap loans that sometimes never get repaid

So what exactly is so radical about her positions?
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
This is about the MSM reporting the truth and you aren't being honest yourself.

Whilst it's true that unaccompanied minors were previously held in detention centers under Obama, the difference is that under Trump they were forcibly removing them from their parents at the border.

The toddler on the Time Mag cover was taken from her mother and put on the floor while her mother got into the vehicle, once in the child was handed back to her by the ICE officer, they were never separated, the woman with the child was an economic migrant who left their home with the child against the fathers will.

It was a lie.

The first round of migrant children in cages blamed on Trump were actually from the Obama era, a lot of those articles were removed once that was known with nothing more about them said, a few weeks later they managed to find some as a result of the Trump administration and used to attack him, Obama's the same apparent crimes go unmentioned again.
17 Jul 2010
I haven't found anything related to immigration other than a position against ICE, which does not imply "open borders" or whatever it is that you read on Brietbart regarding her position.

What I did find was:
Medicare For All - almost all advanced economies do this
Increasing minimum wage to $15 - almost all advanced economies have this
Reforming campaign finance laws - reasonable, given the weight of big money in the US
Guaranteeing affordable housing as a human right - both Britain and Germany have extensive legislation on this matter and the trend is in the same direction
All public colleges tuition-free - Germany does this, Britain does it partially with cheap loans that sometimes never get repaid

So what exactly is so radical about her positions?
It's radical for the USA, normal elsewhere.
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