Elrein said:Andy id like to have a few rounds, i went online yesterday for 2 fights and totally got my ass handed to meso any friendky practice would be awesome
Elrein said:K nice 1
Just had a look and wow, this is gunna be hard work getting all those Achievements
I thought you had done heaps of stuff but then i just kept scrolling down and down and down lol.
A-n-d-y said:lol well im chuffed as i got 20 straight wins in DOA online unlocked i was 2 fights away from 50 straight wins.
Elrein said:I wasnt saying that you hadnt done that much, far from that. I just saw what was left and was taken back how many unlocks there are
I was on and saw you in DOA4 but i couldnt join any lobby or game with you?
Im still up for a bash if you are gunna start a lobby later on
Oh and ive motto'd Team# OcUK as well, seems a good idea to identify all of us
Same for me. Online players seem to have up'ed their game. Some yank was saying his studied all the combos for each character, so he knows what’s coming and can counter them all.wyrdo said:I'm still trying to figure out countering!
Had a quick go online and got a complete kicking so more practice is in order methinks!
smokedog said:Same for me. Online players seem to have up'ed their game. Some yank was saying his studied all the combos for each character, so he knows what’s coming and can counter them all.
So much for a nice relaxing game of DOA4, its war out there and no man is safe![]()
Join the club, aiming for the 10 Straight Losses achievementA-n-d-y said:I was really hopeing the way things were going the other day i would not unlock these Achievements..
5 Straight Losses in DOA Online:
Achieved Grade "D":