Fought some guy last night who was just countering everything, I think he was a Ninja :(

Needless to say I didn't last long.
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IceBus said:
Completed it with 5 characters now and still getting my **** kicked online. The super lag doesn't help :(

Best thing to do mate is start ya own server and invite people who have this from ya freinds list, more and more of us are getting this game now, I had a public server yesterday was hosting 6 people from the UK with no lag 1 of them dropped out after a while some chap from the states came in and it was lagged to hell.
I'll have to get a list of all the members on here who have it, as atm I don't have anyone other than you on my list who has it (mainly all the PGR boys!).

I've played some decent games against Euro and US people but others have been unbelievably laggy. I wish you could filter by location and only allow Euro people. As you say when a US member joins it super lags.
IceBus said:
I'll have to get a list of all the members on here who have it, as atm I don't have anyone other than you on my list who has it (mainly all the PGR boys!).

I've played some decent games against Euro and US people but others have been unbelievably laggy. I wish you could filter by location and only allow Euro people. As you say when a US member joins it super lags.

Yeah that would be a good idea if you could fillter games. not only with this game but all.
Please feel free to add me if I'm not already on your friends list, would like to play some DoA with you guys :)
Well i've decided to stick some games ive done with on ebay and orderd this today from the canadian site, never used them before so it will interesting to see how they compare to dvdboxoffice.

Ive not played many fighters, sf2 and soul calibur and thats about it, was to busy to spend much time on them so I'll probably get severly spanked on this game!
wyrdo said:
I'll be home around 10pm so if it's still going I'll try and join.

Well ill be online till about 11-30 2nite hopefully so ill send you out an invite providing i can get enough people to join in the 1st place.

Dont really want to open it to the public until its officaly out here in the UK as the US people will lag us back to the stone age.
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