lol you just have to know his moves to be able to beat him.

I take it your still not got a mic yet mate?

Good game anyway :)
Andy, I hate you.
I'm going to practice 24/7 and next time you'll pay. Mark my words you shall pay.


Can't believe I got run over by a taxi.
Can't wait to get this now, just over a week to go (if they deliver), although I am hearing you're a tough cookie A-n-d-y!!!
Had an awesome game on tonight with a bunch of american guys - the lag wasn't bad at all (except when one HPB joined) and there were a lot of laughs - particularly over one guy who repeatedly beat us senseless then wouldn't leave until he had a 15+ streak. For some reason though some of them came out with some horrifically racist stuff :(
Yeah! Just checked my order and it's been despatched today (along with COD2).

Hope this is as good as you're all making out!
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