Doctor Who

Good episode, not the best ive seen though. Hope billie dtrips off a bit more, maybe they should discover a world where its illegal to wear clothes.
I was genuinly impressed by the calibre of acting in that especially from Piper (already love the way Tennant acts :))

Was an alright episode, still I am not such a fan of topical, satirical humour - especially involving Chavs. :p
I loved it! Always had a soft spot for Billie and this episode certainly proved she's got what's needed ;). I wasn't sure about Tennant, purely because I enjoyed Chris Eccleston's effort, however I think he's gonna be a great Doctor and look forward to at least another series from him!
Unfortunately for us, Billie started her showbiz carear too young. There's never going to be a set of photos where the work was slow and she "needed the money".

Damn ;)
I really enjoyed this episode. I didn't think he would make a good doctor glad to be proven wrong. On a lighter note there should be more of Billie running down stairs ;)

Very good episode, haven't seen it in a while but wasn't sure on Tennant after seeing him in that other thing on BBC One, Casablanca? but anyways I thought he was superb as the doctor, especially with that mental thing going on as others have said and I like how Billie doesn't take herself seriously at all, should be an excellent series.
I'm very impressed, Tennant is a top Doctor in my book. REally looking forward to the K9 episode, wonder when that will be ???

Question however, who here collects the DVD's from the old classic series ??
I enjoyed it too. He's very good in the role :)

Nice to see BBC Wales graphics department and makeup are earning their overtime :D
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