Doctor Who

Argh, completely forgot this was on. Meant to set Sky+ to record it :(

Edit: Ah good stuff, I'll catch the repeat tomorrow night.
SB118 said:
Unfortunately for us, Billie started her showbiz carear too young. There's never going to be a set of photos where the work was slow and she "needed the money".

Theirs one shoot she done when younger though, and damn, phwarrr ;)
Looks like David Tennant might oust Tom Baker as my fave doctor. :eek: Loved the bit when he got angry.

And I'm itching to see the new Cybermen episode, they look so damn cool now (always preferred them to Daleks anyway)
I too really enjoyed it, David Tennant is going to be a good Doctor wasn't to sure when I saw the xmas invasion but he was on form tonight :)

Bring on the Cybermen! :D
MeatLoaf said:
Cybermen are back in episode 5 due to be shown on 13th May.
I know, as soon as I found out they were back, I googled "new cyberman". :D

EDIT: I mean how cool do they look?

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Tonights episode was a cracker. Great story and, for once, no cheesy effects! Not that I'd be bothered anyway.
The episode tonight had everything and David Tennant is superb, definitely the right choice.

Next weeks looks interesting though.

It might be on BBC3 later probably, dunno..
Really enjoyed tonight, and my dad actually sat and watched it with me. He HATES Doctor Who so it must've been good :p

On the other hand my girlfriend is obsessed with it and makes me watch it, now i like it :)
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