Doctor Who

I am not sure about Peter Capaldi. I just think they could have made a better choice. However, I will reserve judgement until I have seen the whole of the first series.

Am I the only one who thinks Steven Moffat is driving this show into the ground? It's still okay, but not as good as it was in the David Tennant days. I watched Series 2 the other day and I just think Russell T. Davies is so much better?

ecclestone series good > tennant > good but going down hill story wise and it took some time for him to grow on me > brickface > rubbish and a kids program

the ecclestone season was the most adult imo and it's slowly declined
The thing is, Russell T Davies was a poor writer, the really good episodes in his era were all Moffat episodes. Moffat's episodes are still very good but the rest of the writers just seem to suck now :(
Moffat's episodes are still very good but the rest of the writers just seem to suck now :(

For the 5th and 6th series I would agree but with the 7th the non moffat episodes were a lot better and by a lot better I mean watchable but the Moffat episodes seemed to be of a lower quality making the series as whole a average.

At the end of the day with Tennent back for the 50th and a new doctor next year we will finally find out if its the scripts or the actors.
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ecclestone series good > tennant > good but going down hill story wise and it took some time for him to grow on me > brickface > rubbish and a kids program

the ecclestone season was the most adult imo and it's slowly declined

I assume you forgotten the Slitheen? Or the robot Anne Robinson? Or the terrifying killer Christmas tree?

I really don't see why Moffat/Matt Smith get such a hard time, the 11th Doctor has been the most vicious one I can remember. I can only assume it's because they use a lot of quiet menace instead of SHOUTING LIKE DAVID TENNANT DID.
You will never get an "adult" or "grown up" version of this show. It's prime time Saturday night viewing on BBC One.

Doctor Who is and has been quite dark in places - given the boundaries involved. It is very good for what it is, and given the massive audience it has and the way it appeals to most of it, it's a resounding success.

People need to let it go. In this era of television, it will never happen. Hence why there was Torchwood.

My two cents - Moffat is a great writer. RTD was not.
Moffat is a great writer, but when it comes to Doctor Who, I think he is a poor lead writer. I'd take the return of RTD as lead writer with Moffat staying on to write some episodes, every time. Moffat's tenure started out OK, but has got gradually worse. My opinion of course.

My Friend's daughter is mad about Doctor Who, but even she at seven years of age, prefers watching the older Eccleston and Tennant episodes.
Seems like I'm the only one enjoying Doctor Who!!?

I've thoroughly enjoyed the re-boot and only felt like a few were merely 'filler' episodes rather than being so gut wrenchingly bad that I had to declare it for all to see.

I do have preferences but don't think either actor or writer has been terrible... pffff ok I was seriously glad to see the back Amy
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When It comes down to it sfaic with the reboot Eccleston's Series was the best mainly due to the fact it had a lot more menace behind the plots while maintaining the Kiddie sort of elements and the job Eccleston did as the doctor was "Fantastic!" his attitude in the role was indifferent and sarcastic when not in peril, yet whenever something sinister reared it's ugly head, whenever his past "misdeeds" were brought up or the action started he switched to a fearful/wrathful/superior character depending on what the situation warranted, whereas the Tennant and Smith doctors seemed bit too cheery, hyper & chaotic to feel right in the role.
Seems like I'm the only one enjoying Doctor Who!!?

I've thoroughly enjoyed the re-boot and only felt like a few were merely 'filler' episodes rather than being so gut wrenchingly bad that I had to declare it for all to see.

I do have preferences but don't think either actor or writer has been terrible... pffff ok I was seriously glad to see the back Amy

I basically fall into this camp.
I assume you forgotten the Slitheen? Or the robot Anne Robinson? Or the terrifying killer Christmas tree?

I really don't see why Moffat/Matt Smith get such a hard time, the 11th Doctor has been the most vicious one I can remember. I can only assume it's because they use a lot of quiet menace instead of SHOUTING LIKE DAVID TENNANT DID.

Well as you might suggest, but Smith hasn't done anything to back up his claims, every time it got dark, he threatened, he reminded people of just what he was capable of, in fact it was almost like they were embracing the one who is never be named, the one they shun, the one we'll finally hear about in the special.

So they wouldn't talk about him, but he would reference how bad he can be.
Great, but if you rely on legend eventually your bluff is called, and you can't claim its a 'wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey thing' every episode.
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