I think it’s quite telling that there won’t be a Doctor Who on Christmas Day this year. Does this mean the BBC have lost confidence in the new format?
Not at all.I think it’s quite telling that there won’t be a Doctor Who on Christmas Day this year. Does this mean the BBC have lost confidence in the new format?
They could even call it Life on Mars.Nah, if you want to bring up a shedload of social justice issues, send Team TARDIS to a 1970s police station.... Manchester & Salford, perhaps?
... or, maybe the Doctor needs to return to his own past to right #metoo abuses by preceeding incarnations;send Team TARDIS to a 1970s police station.... Manchester & Salford, perhaps?
Alien interference with the birth of the baby Jesus?
Sinister helper robots had a whiff of Matt Smith's Space whale episode about them
Wonder how much truth is in this.
I guess we'll find out in time (pardon the pun). Maybe among other things; Chris Chibnall is fed up with having to meet certain diversity quotas, rather than just get on and write a sci-fi TV show.
I can't help but think, that the BBC is sticking their oar in and not just letting the people hired to make the show, get on with it.