Doctor Who

Huh no, it's not at all like that. This isnt a case of it being cool to dislike somebody/something that's successful. Dr who is failing and a few people are still burying their heads in the sand.
It's seriously not failing. Yes viewing figures are decreasing but it's happening all across the board. Viewers habits are changing and that reflected in the way that people watch and access shows.

The share of TV viewers for that day is a better judge of how a show is doing now. Also the AI rating of Doctor Who is still in the 80s where it's been for a LONG time.
It's seriously not failing. Yes viewing figures are decreasing but it's happening all across the board. Viewers habits are changing and that reflected in the way that people watch and access shows.

How much more do the figures need to decrease by before you change your mind? Seriously, is 50% of the figures still ok of only a thousand people watched tv? what will it take?

The share of TV viewers for that day is a better judge of how a show is doing now.

No it isnt and for reasons some of which you have already explained - the way we watch programming is changing and on the day figures are making up less of the total viewing figures than ever before. That's why you said 6.6m people watched the new years special which was the total viewing figure including online views that were not necessarily on the same day.

Also the AI rating of Doctor Who is still in the 80s where it's been for a LONG time.

last time i checked the AI rating for the entire channel averaged over 80, so either Dr. Who is as good as everything else or it's as bad as everything else... I cant decide which is more accurate tbh. When AI is based on a group of 20,000 people it only represents a small minority of the people watching tv programming, so i will happily ignore the AI rating and stick to the total viewing figures, including online of course. Episode 3 did drop to 77 though, if you put any stock in those figures. Wonder what it'll be for Ep4....
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50% would still be good if it equaled 30% of viewers for that day. Where as if the 1000s of viewers was only 5% of total viewers, then I'd be concerned.

It's about putting the figure in perspective.

There is also the many 1000s or millions of people that view the programme illegally by downloading it, cause it's easier.
Well it's not really a big deal. Series 9 and 10 had viewing figures as low as 4.8 million for a number of episodes and most were aeoun 5-6.6 million so it's nothing to worry about.
There is no point arguing with Steve5424 - i dared to say JW and her stint as DW is dog toffee and he lost his **** with me too.

He is either related to JW in some way, has an unhealthy obsession with her or he may be off his meds.

JW is crap as the Doctor (at the minute) her companions are crap (except Bradley) and the stories are corn eyed butt snakes.
Providing an escapist, sci-fi fantasy universe with interesting stories and characters that viewers could enjoy worked well for Pertwee.

Lecturing the viewers with progressive nonsense every episode, not so much.

Another beloved brand down the toilet.
I can't help but feel like the doctor would watch the universe burn as long as they left earth alone. If she has a choice between killing something that has murdered millions and continues to kill people she will still refuse to kill it. She/he has the most bizarre moral pacifist stance when it comes to things that kill.
Tonights episode not too bad, although the BBC still playing the SJW card by
having an "alternate" Doctor who was not only a woman, but black too!

Will be interesting to see where they take that part of the story.

Also Jodie not quite so manic this week, though as ever the companions largely fifth, sixth and seven wheels. Also looks like building up to something big later in the season with
the appearance of Captain Jack and his warning re the lone Cyberman.
Liked it. Enjoyable episode.

Ruth being The Doctor. This is going to ruffle a LOT of feathers. Because it's re-writing in show history and canon of established Who, and unless its resolved WELL, as I said earlier, it'll be torches and pitchforks by the fandom.
It'll especially be seen as just more SJW rubbish if all it does is just make the forgotten Doctor black and female. Already there's issues with how they behave as The Doctor.
Captain Jack returning, good for a laugh, but would have prefered something more from bringing back a well received character.
Silliness of plot is beyond silly. The biggest issue is of course, the Judoon not only counting down, but the countdown then also having a lengthy wait afterwards before even getting the Chronal Cannon ready to fire, instead of firing when the countdown was up.

For now, I would say it's still not elevated itself up from the ditch where it was last season, but it's getting there. But there's nothing strong enough yet on the show that definitively portays this, just lots of "yeah, that's close", but no goals yet on that regard. Will keep watching for now.
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