Doctor Who

No-one is arguing. I am simply stating that the canon so say has been around for nearly 57 years I'd not that at all. For the first few seasons it was hinted that he was human. Gallifrey wasn't even mentioned till 73. Lots has changed or been modified over the years, so making a Doctor before Hartnell isn't really that big a deal. If it's wiped from his memory and even he doesn't know of it then that's surely, not that big an issue.
just to point out that there has been two versions of the DR at the same time before. in Trail of a timelord. it was reviled that the char called the Valeyard was in fact a version of the DR

As I recall the Valeyard was a future version of the dark side of the Doctor. Not a "new" secret version of the Doctor from his past.
So a black Dr now. Let me guess, the entire season is going to have references to slavery and racism?

Surely it's reached peak woke at this point...
I wouldnt have a problem with this new doc being the next doc... er. if you see what i mean.
She was very good, a much more determined and ... well for want of a better word.. hard.. Doctor.
The music and sound mixer on this season is as awful as previous.
Music score bares no resemblance to what's on screen and utterly overpowers it.

Capt jack Deadpool was a welcome return and the jadoon.

Jesus that was the best episode I've seen in 3 years..... I wish they could all be like this.
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As thread starter (or "OP" as it appears to be called now), I gave the Chibnall/Whittaker combination a year. They totally failed to deliver a single decent episode last series so I decided not to even bother with the new one. The New Year special was on in our house but I fell asleep in front of it so I have no idea what happened.

My son is a big fan as well and he managed to watch the first couple of episodes this year and then said that he's had enough.

I heard a spoiler a couple of days ago about the latest episode so caught up with the appropriate part.

Jo Martin immediately came across as a stronger actor than Jodie Whittaker. The scene where they met was actually quite enjoyable but they totally ruined the end of the episode with all that companion 'family' garbage.

Both my lad and I were stunned about what's happened here and not in a good way. This is taking nearly sixty years of history and throwing it in our faces. It's utter rubbish.

The best thing that could happen to Doctor Who now is for Chibs and Whittaker to be replaced and whoever takes over has a new Doctor waking up from sleep and declaring the current phase to be a dream. I believe that I've said this before in this thread.

I've also said that a big part of the issue is that they've both seem to think they're actually doing a good job but admitting they don't read reviews. Perhaps they should. Perhaps the BBC should actually pay attention to the mess they've made of this show.

Today I went back and I watched The Name of the Doctor, The Night of the Doctor, The Last Day and then The Day of the Doctor, one after another.

If you want to introduce a new (old) Doctor, The Day of the Doctor was the way to do it. It worked, it fitted and it was an absolute superb episode.

Compare that to the crap they're churning out now.

No comparison.
Isn't there something in canon regarding Time Lord being made in looms? As well as the doctor being a reincarnation of Omega and one of the three founding fathers of the Time Lords.
Canon has been jumbled around and rewritten and tried to be corrected so many times I'm looking forward to how they're going to explain this. Just a shame this is possibly the only episode I've enjoyed of Jodie.
Isn't there something in canon regarding Time Lord being made in looms? As well as the doctor being a reincarnation of Omega and one of the three founding fathers of the Time Lords.
Canon has been jumbled around and rewritten and tried to be corrected so many times I'm looking forward to how they're going to explain this. Just a shame this is possibly the only episode I've enjoyed of Jodie.

It's in some of the books if I remember right. After the population of Gallifrey became sterile through some mystical mumbo-jumbo curse placed on them that I can't remember details of now. And potentially very exciting if it can be adapted well.

The big issue, is that there is no confidence in this current crew of writers and producers in being able to do that proper justice without just making it all a bunch of incompatible nonsense with what's gone before.

The key problem here is, the books note that The Doctors Granddaughter; Susan, recognised The First Doctor (Hartnell) as her Grandfather, not as family, but Grandfather. She wouldn't have asked for "Grandfather" but "Grandmother", but I suppose you could just hand wave this as Susan already knowing that this person from the Looms is the reincarnation of her Grandmother and now because is a male, should be called Grandfather. But, since you would want to call someone by what they remember you calling them by; and in that case, it would be Grandmother, not Grandfather which was used, this would make it unlikely to be compatible logic wise within the story. And she was one of the last of the Gallifreyans that was "born". So it would be difficult to reconcile that difference with a "previous" Doctor to Hartnells First Doctor, since he was not the first to have been produced via The Looms (acording to the books).

Note, that I too found the potential to be exciting and with potential, but... We've all seen this before. With Episode VII. Lots of potential there. Then came VIII. And it was all over, whilst screwing over the past stuff at the same time. That is the concern here, because we have a poor group of writers here who seem hell bent on pushing certain types of messages through at the expense of writing or adapting something amazing instead of just going for the amazing writing and adapting. Just using Hand Waving isn't good writing, and neither is using the fact that The Doctor and Time Lords can regenerate and have more regenerations given to them, or are infite, because that just means you can constantly use more Hand Waving to write poor stories whilst breaking old lore and story.

Now, if they can actually take this story, run with it, AND stick to the landing. It'll be amazing. Just like I said about Joker (DC Joker details was never needed to be linked to the story, it stood on its own). Beating a dead horse now, but... Again. The current lot doesn't inspire confidence they can run with it, much less stick the landing.
I have to say, I'm highly amused by seeing people here and elsewhere on t'interwebs complaining about how this sends a wrecking ball through Doctor Who continuity and is the worst thing ever...who had no problems with the continuity wrecking balls that Star Trek: Discovery was throwing around :p

Not prepared to entirely write this off just yet. But as @Meddling-Monk said, they need to stick the landing. Otherwise it's going to be about as good as, oh I dunno, pretending that you're respecting canon by having a guy and his family never again mention that he had an adopted sister...
since i given up on Dr Who being serious modern sci fi since it restart, and looking at it as a comedy like Red dwarf i find it much more enjoyable. the Dr history has always been recon by the writers, i seem to remember at one time the "first" Dr (hartnells) was once meant to be part human, or what about the "watcher". WTF

anyway, out of badness/ the pure entertainment I get watching these youtube "reviewers" rant and rave, i really really hope the 2 Dr kiss tonight. i think it would send some people bloody pressure that high, their head would explode :) :) :)
Literally the moment she went into one about plastics we face palmed.
Looked good until we went climate.

utter bobbins, next weeks monster based on used tassimo pods.
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Completely agree.

steve5424 dislikes this.


I have to say, I'm highly amused by seeing people here and elsewhere on t'interwebs complaining about how this sends a wrecking ball through Doctor Who continuity and is the worst thing ever...who had no problems with the continuity wrecking balls that Star Trek: Discovery was throwing around

Not like you to rant about Discov..wait never mind :p

You must be confused, I dont recall many people saying that they were happy with what Disco did to Spock's established canon. The difference is, he is one character in a group of many and there were soo many other problems with the show, whereas the doctor is..the doctor. In a show about the doctor. But you know that of course, you're not silly. This is the equivalent of saying 'actually archer wasnt the captain of the first star ship Enterprise - there was another one, and potentially a whole line of other Enterprises with other captains but everybody just...forgot. oh btw, the first captain was a Borg. Yeehaw.' Its its ridiculously poor writing . A bit like big chunks of Disco, then. But this isnt a Disco thread :)

Anyway, this episode. Ahh i dont need to say it, this is perfect:

peige said:
utter bobbins
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