Doctor Who

I know that, but have heard people moaning that all they've seen of Starfleet is just women in charge.

That's life today, people will moan about everything, especially on the internet. People will even moan about people moaning about things and other people will even moan about people moaning about people moaning about things.
The problem is when its so obvious and feels completely shoehorned into the show that its a problem. You can find issues with race, sexuality etc in any show if you have a particular world view. Doctor Who is just so poorly written and jarring in so many ways that these tick box exercises become the icing on the cake.

The Doctors complete unwillingness to kill anything or anyone attacking earth all whilst watching thousands of people die at their hands. All the very on the nose social and environmental messages. The awful acting from the like of Ryan. The Doctor being borderline retarded regularly and then having a kooky "idea". It just all adds up to a grating experience that doesn't immerse you.
The Doctors complete unwillingness to kill anything or anyone attacking earth all whilst watching thousands of people die at their hands.

yeah this is getting more and more annoying - i've lost track of how many people are dead because the Dr couldn't shoot one alien psychopath.
If anything its the Dr that is the evil one.
stopped watching Dr Who after the first episode with Capaldi as the Dr. There was something wrong watching him speak without the use of any violent sexual imagery, threats to wear someones flayed skin to a party at which they would then proceed to hump their mothers leg etc so i sacked it off. Sounds like i made the right choice, the latest incarnation sounds like a bucket full of BBC agenda driven wokeness...................

The Cloister Wars were mentioned by Missy in "The Magician's Apprentice", along with the Doctor stealing "the moon and the President's wife." The Doctor sets the record straight in this episode (albeit inadvertently in his babbling when reunited with Clara after over four billion years), claiming that it was his daughter, not his wife, and that he did not steal the moon, he 'lost' it.[2] The Doctor claims he rescued Clara because he has "a duty of care", a phrase mentioned before.[4]

S9e12 Hell Bent
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